Murphy's Law Pt. 2

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~Your P.O.V.~

I hear.... Voices... And, loud beeping... It gives me a headache. I wish it would just stop.... I can't seem to open my eyes...


God.... That awful beeping..... My head hurts so much... My... Whole body hurts... I can't move.....


Goddammit.... Make it stop! It feels like an earthquake in here! Wait... I see something.... I see... Shadows... I try my best to open up my eyes... People surround me. What.... Happened? I strained to remember recent events.


I can't possibly think with that nOiSe... I think even harder... Something... Mark... Something is wrong with Mark! Me and Vincent jumped in the car, and.... Oh God.... Now, I try with all my might to force my eyes open. I wake in excruciating pain.

"Push one of Epi!" I hear someone yell. I try to raise my hand up to let them know I'm awake. I must be in a hospital... Oh no! The baby! Vincent! It hurts like hell, but I manage to raise my hand high enough to get someone's attention. An older male with natural red and gray hair with a beard approaches me. He flashes a light in my eyes to make sure I have a pupil response.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Shunt, can you please tell me your name?" I try my best to struggle out some words.

"(Y-Y/N)........ (L/N-N)...." He nodded his head and looked at some charts. "V....... Vince..... Vincent......" He looked at me and said

"Your boy is okay, he had a minor head wound, nothing serious. We're going to take you to surgery. You seem to have multiple bone fractures and, a minor bleed inside your chest."

"Wha.... Abou.... M..... Baby....." He had a look of concern

"Ma'am, there was no one else in the car but you and that boy."

"I'm..... Pregnant....." His face went from concern to shock. He quickly stood up and yelled

"Somebody page PEDs it's an emergency!" He walked away and I could feel myself slowly falling into blackness yet again.

~Time Skip~


Goddammit, not again. Wait... I hear something....

"(Y/.........N)........ (Y/N)...... (Y/N)! Wake up! Please!" I could tell it was Foxy's voice slowly became clear. I fluttered my eyes open and looked at him. Everyone was there. Except...... Mark... Mary wasn't here either, but, I figured she wouldn't be. I looked around the room. I was in the hospital a lot more than I hoped. A nurse came in the room and said

"Visiting hours are over."

"Wait, can I stay?" Foxy asked.

"Are you the husband?" He gave me a quick glance and nodded his head. She looked at me for a confirmation and I gave her a single nod of the head. She hooded her head and walked out. It was like a whole nodding orgy. Is that a thing? Can I make it a thing? A convention where everyone just sits around the room nodding? No? Okay.... After that, everyone was staring at me.

"Heeeeey, guys....." They looked in complete shock. I continued looking around the room awkwardly.

"Are you feeling okay? Are you hurting at all? The baby was born... And..... We..... We..... Thought you were dead...." Chica said, slowly standing up.

"The baby?! But, it's waaaayyy too early!!! Is the baby okay at least...?

"He, be doing fine. They have to incubate him fer a couple weeks, but, he's fine. But, we be knowin' that already. What we really be worryin' about is ye." Foxy said.

"Well..... Think of it this way, I sustained a bullet, and an abruptly stopping car and smashing through the window can't stop me!" Everyone just sorta awkwardly chuckled.

"Well," Freddy started, standing up. "I guess we should take our leave now."

"Wait..." I said, needing to ask this question, "What about Vincent? And, also, what was happening to Mark??"

"He's okay, he just had to get a couple stitches. I can care of Vincent until you get out of the hospital." Chica said.

"And I can help." Freddy added. "And... About Mark..." Before Freddy could finish, Chica joined in.

"The metal plate in his chest was being rejected by his body, so Ma had to figure a way to fix it....."

"Is he... Okay?" Chica's eyes shifted a bit.

"We don't know for sure just yet, I'll text you if we get any news though..." She replied. I nodded my head. Vincent, who was standing right next to the bed I was in, quickly looked at me and gave me a very light, but meaningful hug. He looked like he was almost in tears.

"Please get better, momma..." I actually almost cried. Chica walked over and held out her hand to take his, and, hesitating slightly, he grabbed her hand and they walked off, followed by everyone else.

It was just me and Foxy sitting in there. He looked at me with passionate eyes and said, "Are ye sure yer okay?" I gently smiled at him.

"If I wasn't, I doubt I'd be able to talk as well as I am now." He relaxed a bit and let out a sigh of relief. He stood up, faced towards me and slowly walked towards me. When he got to my bed, he leaned down and gently gave me a hug. I slowly lifted my arms, which didn't realized hurt like hell until now, and gave my best to hug him back. He slowly leaned back up and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Always remember lass, I will always love ye..." I couldn't help but smile at his sincere words. Slowly scooted over on the bed to make him some room. When he realized why I was staring at him, smiling and patting the free room on the bed, he carefully sat down next to me, and laid down. I tried my best to shift on my side, and soon enough, he was the big spoon, I the little, and he held me close as we both drifted off into a deep sleep.

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