Break and Attack

638 19 5

Your POV:

I went back to main room next to the stage and sat down at one of the tables. A loud noise started to come from outside so I got up and walked over to the doors. It was coming from across the street at the old pizzeria. It was being bulldozed... I started to tear up as I watched my favorite place be ripped apart. I quickly ran away from the sight and sat back down at the table. I laid my head down and silently cried to myself.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" I looked behind myself and saw Mangle rubbing my back. I quickly turned my whole body and hugged her. At first she was hesitant, but she soon hugged backed. Afterwards, she showed me around and told me what each room was called. We then went to the far back of the main room to a little corner that contained a present box. Mangle walked up to it and knocked on the top.

"Mary? Come out. We have someone." To my surprise, the box started opening. I saw a weird... puppet... thing pop out. It was all black except for the face, and had white buttons. The head was white and had blush on the cheeks like the other toy animatronics. Although, this one was different. It looked like it had purple tear streaks on its face. It looked straight at me. "This is Marionette. Marionette, this is (Y/N)."

"Hello (Y/N), you can call me Mary for short." It had a somewhat feminine voice, so, I'm guessing she's a she. I looked at her unhuman-like thin body. She was really tall too. And had sharp... Fingers? She didn't have any eyes, just white orbs in pitch blackness. She always had this creepy smile on her face, even when she would talk. I started walking away but was quickly held by the arm. "(Y/N), be careful." Mary was now completely out of her box, holding on to my arm. She let out a small gasp.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You shouldn't be working here. Especially if your pregnant."

"What the-? How do you even know that?"

"She possesses strong powers. She's actually a soul. Not a robot like me and the other toy animatronics. The non-toy animatronics also have souls in them. She was the one that put the souls in there." Well jeez, that explains a lot. I couldn't say I was really that surprised though... but... does that mean she's been around the whole time?

"Come with me." Mary said, pulling my arm with her as she walked towards her present box/house/place. "Stay there." She jumped into her box. After a couple minutes of wondering why she told me to follow her if she was just going to tell me right after to stay there, she came out her little area with a large book. I tried reading the spine but it was like in a different language. It just looked like just a bunch of signs. She dropped it on the floor and sat down Indian style. "Sit." I sat down and she opened the book. Mangle was standing there watching as Mary said this: "Akaleah miosea agastina live." She repeated the words over and over. A bluish glow started to illuminate around me. I looked at myself in a weird way. She slammed the book shut and the glow slowly went away.

"What the heck was that?"

"I put a protection spell around you. If the animatronics try to do anything to you, you will have no damage. Although, you will still feel pain. For example, if someone were to try and cut you, you would still feel it, but your body wouldn't actually be hurt." What the fuck kind of sense does that make? We got up together and she walked away to her box, jumping in and closing the door/lid/ceiling. This is starting to get confusing... Mangle continued showing me around. The very next thing was in the other wall in-between the Mainstage and Prize Corner. The Game Area, as it was called, had a variety of party games and arcade games. Amongst it was a boy. He held a balloon and a sign that said 'Balloons!'

"Hi!" He said. I jumped, I thought he was just decoration. He kinda looked like a clown without any makeup.

"Hello." I said, shyly waving at him. He started laughing for no reason.

"This is Balloon Boy, or BB." She clarified.

"Hello." He said. "Hi." He said again. Wait, what? Why is he saying hi again? That was weird, but, whatever. We quickly moved on as she showed me around.

~Time Skip~

After everything was done and I was shown around, I walked back to the Parts/Service room. I walked in and saw all my friends sitting and lined up against the wall, including Mark next to Chica. They were all in their animatronic form. I sighed and sat in between Foxy and Freddy, leaning my head on Foxy's shoulder.

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