The Memory

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Your POV:


"Mommy, mommy! C'mon, Foxy's gonna be coming soon!" I urged, dragging my mother along with me.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming, just, don't run, I don't want you to slip and fall." She replied, bending down as she held my hand. We sat down at a table in front of the small stage as she ordered a large (F/T) pizza for both of us, and a large sprite. As the order came, The purple curtains with yellow stars began to open up. A brand-new looking animatronic pirate fox came out with a hook, and an eye-patch.

"Hello lads and lassies." He said, gesturing towards the small crowd that sat in front of him. "Are ye ready to explore the pirate cove?" he asked. Although everyone was screaming pretty load, I was screaming the loudest.

"YES! YES!" I'd say, screaming at the top of my lungs making sure that he could hear me. Every time I would go see his performance, I swear he would always wink at me and smile right before goes back inside pirate cove.

After this one performance, though, in 1987, some idiot girl decided that she would go open the curtains and start climbing on foxy. The guard that was there tried to stop her, but she refused to listen. What upset me most was how I couldn't do anything about it because Momma had already taken my hand and began to lead us both towards the exit. The girl kept climbing and right before we walked out of the door, I watched as Foxy self rebooted with black eyes and yellow pupils while she was still climbing and witnessed the most horrible sight... A shrilling scream pierced my mine, and everybody else's ears as everyone turned to watch, in horror, the sight of the little girls frontal lobe being bit clean off. Blood was everywhere. As my mom ran me out of the pizzeria, I almost started crying. I looked back and saw that I wasn't the only one in fear, I saw Foxy's face and I could tell he couldn't help it. There was something wrong, he was surprised at what he did he looked at my face with his normal eyes and stepped back into his cove. He looked almost like he wasn't even a robot. He looked like he knew what was happening, but just, didn't know why...


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