Baby Preparations

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Your POV:

I layed in the hospital bed feeling much better then before. My stomach was feeling a little better than earlier due to some kind of medicine they gave me. After a couple days passed, I was finally able to leave the hospital. I walked out and Foxy followed me to the car. We got in and I started driving to the pizzeria.


We exited the car and headed inside. It was already nighttime by the time we got there. As I walked in, all eyes were on me. Chica ran up to me and gave me a great big hug. I hugged back awkwardly.

"Um... are you okay there Chica?" She let go of me and looked at my face. Tears of happiness were rolling down hers as she looked at mine.

"You're okay." She squeezed me tightly once again. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)..."

"For what?"

"I... I couldn't protect you..." I looked at her sympathetically.

"It's okay. I'm fine now, see?" She looked at me and then hugged me once again. After the hug, she let go and walked to the kitchen to clean up. There was one thing I forgot to tell her though... I walked in the kitchen and waited for her to be done. "Hey... Chica, I have some news." She looked at me with curiosity. I walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "I'm pregnant." She gasped and started leaping for joy. 

"OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!!!" She started screamed. "Chica, calm down." I said, trying to keep her on the ground. Not long after she screamed, everyone started walking in. 

"Is everything okay in here?" It was Mark who spoke. Me and Chica looked at each other and started to laugh. All of the guys started giving us confused looks. 

"Is there something we missed?" This time it was Freddy. "Well, guys, all of you, except Foxy, are going to be uncles." Their confused faces turned into really confused faces as I spoke. Me and Chica laughed again. 

"In other words," She said. 

"I'm pregnant." I finished. All of their faces were shocked except Foxy's, who had a big ol' grin. Freddy walked up to me saying, 

"I'll be the grandfather." I laughed then nodded my head as a chuckled out, 

"Okay" Left my lips. He smiled then started to walk away. Mark just stood there, dumbfounded. 

"Hey, (Y/N), can I talk to you?" I nodded my head and walked over to him. "What is it?" He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "How can someone have a child with a robot fox?" I- halfway- playfully punched him in the arm... hard. "Ow!" He said smiling and rubbing his arm. 

"Well, that's what you get!" I said jokingly. We both laughed as he continued his probably bruised arm. We all hung out for a while, as I filled them in on everything that had happened.


I woke up the next day with the phone ringing loudly in my ear. God, I really need to turn it down a bit before bed. I quickly turned off the alarm and started walking out if the Cove. Which made me wonder, how did I get in the Cove in the first place? I don't remember much from last night except for all of us hanging in kitchen, then going to the dining area. Don't even remember falling asleep...  I shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. I was slowly blowing on it as I sipped on it. I looked t the clock that read 8:53 A.M. I got dressed, finished my coffee and opened the doors just in time to see all the kids run in excitedly. I smiled as they ran up to see the animatronics. I smiled and started getting ready for the Foxy performance. I walked inside Pirate's Cove. Foxy helped me push the mattress back onto the back of the small stage. The curtains opened up as kids came to surround the Cove. It was performance time. 

After the curtains closed and the performance we over, both of us walked back inside. Foxy helped me out the mattress back down. Still feeling tired, I collapsed on the mattress. I felt him crawl up in bed too and snuggle with me. He wrapped his arm around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I could slowly feel myself start to drift away once more.


I awoke later that day having no clue of what time it was. I checked the clock on my phone and it said, 8:56 P.M. I got up and looked around realizing that Foxy wasn't there.

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