A New Place To Stay

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Your POV:

I got in my car, and started to set off to my apartment. Before I could even start the car however, I got a phone call. 'Who the hell would be calling me this early in the morning?' I thought to myself. I looked at the phone, unsaved number. I sighed and decided to pick it up.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Um, there were noise complaints this morning coming from your apartment. That's the third time youve caused issues around here and I'm sorry, but I'm afraid after the end of the next week, your lease will be void. Please remove your stuff within the next two weeks, or it will be repossessed." Without giving me a chance to even think about what words came out of the guy's mouth, he hung up the phone. No. NO!!! Shit man!!! How could this be happening?!?!?! I finally get a job to keep my apartment, and now I'm getting kicked out because of what I needed to do to keep said job to keep my apartment and God dammit!!!!! Crap, where am I going to be able to stay? I don't really want to barge in my mom's house, and, I don't really have any friends, but still?!?! The only friend that I really had was Mark, but he blew that. Well, there are the animatronics, they are really good friends, but, I can't stay at my job. But, then again... I guess I wouldn't be the only one... As I headed back to my no longer apartment, I feel the tears start rolling on their own, heading towards a full breakdown. I hit the steering wheel in frustration, accidentally honking the horn. I realized that my life has been going to shit ever since I got this job. Though, still having to keep my eyes on the road, I stopped and snapped out of it. I arrived at the apartment, and walked into the bedroom. I sighed and plopped down on the couch. I checked my phone and realized that Mark had texted me. "(Y/N), can we be friends again? I'm so sorry that I yelled at you, and didn't trust you. Can you forgive me?" I smiled and wrote back "Yes. Can you forgive me? I haven't been acting myself lately and I didn't mean to yell at you. And, are you still going to work tonight?" I didn't get and answer right away, so I put it in my pocket and went to the front office to get a few boxes. I went back up and started packing. Wait, if I were going to stay at the pizzeria, where would I put my stuff? I looked down realizing that there was no place. I sighed once again and called in a storage unit.


After I got everything into their proper places, I decided to go back to the pizzeria. Starving, I sat down and grabbed a menu. Er, the dinner choices were a pizza, a medium pizza, a large pizza, or a XL pizza. Um, well, I couldn't decide on whether I wanted pizza, or pizza. I saw Chica coming up to me, and she smiled. "Hey (Y/N)!! What are you doing here, your shift hasn't even started yet, it's only 8:00?"

"I just needed something to eat, and I wanted to ask a question."

"Okay! What's your question (Y/N)?" Unsure if I should even be doing this, I ask Chica,

"WoulditbeokayifIlivewithyouguyshereatthepizzeria?" I slurred my words not even meaning to.

"Huh? Um, (Y/N) you went a little fast there, how much coffee have you had?" She smiled and giggled. I sighed and said it again, but this time, a little more slowly. "Well, of course you can (Y/N)!!!! And, I know exactly where you can stay!" She winked at me while saying this. It was kinda creepy, and I didn't know what she had in mind.

"Well, can you tell me where I'll be staying?"

"Nope! It'll be a surprise." Great. For all I know, she could have me camp out in the parts and service room, then, I'll be killed by that pervert Golden. Er. I ordered my dinner and got a SANDWICH!!! No... no, still just pizza. With a (F/D). After my meal, I went to the storage unit and got two boxes filled with clothes, and bathing equipment, and other essentials. I put them in the trunk and headed back towards the pizzeria at around 10:55. I used the key and walked into the building. There was no one there except for Mike.

"Hello? What are you doing here? Your shift isn't even close to starting."

"Um, well, I decided to come in early, to... Take your place this evening. Um, so yeah  you can go home while I clean up here." Wow, that was like, the worst cover ever, who the hell would want to work more hours at a place like this? Luckily he was so happy to leave early he did just that, not even asking about the two large boxes I had placed on one of the tables. I walked up to Chica and there was poofs of smoke everywhere. Everyone was turning into their human forms all at once. Chica grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen.

"So, I heard you and Foxy have been getting really close together huh?" An immediate blush came upon my face. How the hell did she know that? Does she really know about the kiss? "W-wait a second, how do you know?"

"There's a secret camera that let's us see what's going on inside of Pirate's Cove." Wait, what the hell? A secret camera? Why don't I know about this? Well, if she knows, then I can bet the others know too. This is just great.

"Er, does Foxy know about this?" She just smiled without an answer. Oh my gosh, I walked out of the kitchen and headed straight for Pirate's Cove. "Foxy! Hey, wassup?" He smiled and went for a hug. It was a nice hug. "Hey, Foxy, did you know? That... There was a hidden camera in here?" His face went red and his eyes went wide as he shook his head no. But, then, his face lit up.

"Guess what lass?" He asked in a ready tone.


"We... are going to be roommates!" My face was shocked and immediately went red as a tomato maybe even redder. It's not that I don't mind sleeping with Foxy, I just wasn't expecting it... Although, I bet its better having someone there so that you're safe from someone who's probably out there to kill you. I smiled, trying to cover the blush then said,

"Really?" He nodded his head excitedly. I heard the doors open and realized exactly who was here.

A New Friend (A Foxy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now