The Show

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Your POV:

"I have another present for you." I said, looking at Foxy with a smile. He had a look of confusion on his face. I smiled bigger and ran out of the Cove into the bathroom. I got dressed into a girls pirate costume, and was even able to make my hair look like a pirate's too. I walked out and walked into Pirate's Cove. His jaw went open and his eyes went wide. I smiled at his reaction. "Do you like?" He closed his jaw and nodded his head. I giggled and walked over to him. "So, are you nervous?" He shook his head no then asked me the same question. "Well, kinda, it's my first performance ever..." He lifted up my chin and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sure ye'll do fine." I smiled at his words. Then went into the kitchen to check on Chica.

"Doesn't someone look good today?" She asked, putting a pizza in the oven.

"Yeah, I'm going to be doing a show with Foxy."

"Well, I look forward to seeing it." She said with a smile. I smiled back then went to clean up the mess that I had left on the counter earlier this morning. I went back into the dining area to make sure nothing bad was happening. I saw children running, laughing, and playing. Seeing that nothing weird was going on, like this morning, I went back to the cove. Foxy was up n' ready to go. I grabbed the 'Sorry, out of order' sign, and tossed it in the trash, seeing no use for it anymore. I walked up to the mainstage to talk with Freddy.

"Um, hey Freddy?" He turned around with a smile on his face.

"Well, you look good today. What is it?"

"Well, would you mind putting off the first performance off for about half an hour?" He had a look of confusion.


"Well, me and Foxy were going to do a little show today, and, we still haven't exactly found a right time to do it everyday."

"Hhmm, I don't know, are you sure he'll be fine? I don't want anything bad happening like last time..." He said, thinking. I nodded my head yes very quickly. I could still tell he was thinking it out. I then gave him my cute, sad, puppy dog eyes. He looked at me softly then said with a sigh, "Fine." I smiled then ran off to meet up with Foxy.

"So, Foxy,"

"Yes lass?"

"We start in about three minutes." I said, looking at the time that says 9:28 "Make that two minutes." He smiled big and jumped up,

"I be ready lass!" I smiled, then went to get two microphones from Freddy. I was heading back to the Cove until I felt someone tug on my shirt. I looked down to see the little girl from the other day.

"Are you going to be performing with Foxy?" I smiled then nodded my head. She smiled back, then sat down at one of the tables in front of the Cove. I walked inside, then looked at Foxy with beaming eyes. He looked back at me the same way. I handed him a microphone then opened the curtains started introducing the show. "Argh Mateys!!!" I said in a pirate like voice. The children running around started making their way to the small stage. Foxy was still in his human form as the show started, showing no signs of changing back.

"Are ye little ones ready to explore the Pirate's Cove?" Foxy said with a grin. All the kids started screaming and yelling out yes. The show continued, talking about tales on how Foxy and I explored the seven seas and went on an adventures. One of the only times I actually felt like I was happy, and... that I belonged. But then, I saw something in the corner next to the front doors. It was the same figure from this morning. Luckily,  the curtains closed and the show was over. I looked back out the curtains and the figure was gone. I sighed, then put the mattress back in the middle of the Cove. I layed down then went to sleep.

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