Night 3: Surprise

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Your POV:

When me and Foxy heard the door, Foxy gave a big smile. Confused, he told me to stay here and he walked outside of Pirate's Cove. Hmm, they were hiding something from me, and I wanted to know what. But, I couldn't just... disobey Foxy and walk out there. I tried peeking out the curtains, but it was too dark to see anything. All that I really could see was shadows moving about. I heard whispering, but couldn't make out anything. I quietly walked back to center stage. What were they up to? Deep in thought, I saw the lights come back on through small cracks in the curtains opening. I was about to try and peek out again but was greeted by Foxy coming back inside. He turned me around and blindfolded me. Okay now, what the hell is going on?

"It's okay lass, we have a surprise for ye." He guided me out of the Cove, and leaded me out to what seemed to be the dining area and main stage. He sat me down in one of the chairs And said "Are ye ready?" I nodded my head and the blindfold was taken off. I gasped and saw a giant teddy bear holding a heart, a giant box of chocolates, and heart shaped balloons. I smiled ear to ear and gave Foxy a great big hug.

"Oh my gosh!!! Thank you thank you thank you soooooo much!!"

"It was nothing lass." He smiled and hugged back. It was a little early for Valentine's Day but it included chocolate so why care? I saw Mark take his hands from behind his back, and pull out a small wrapped box.

"(Y/N), I got this for you... It's just an apology/late birthday gift." I laughed and took it from his hands. I unwrapped the little box and opened to see what was inside. I pulled out a beautiful silver necklace with a blue heart-shaped charm lined with diamonds. I smiled a gave Mark a hug.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry too, for, hitting you in the head with a couple bricks." I said casually. We laughed and I went to the bathroom to put it on. I went back out, feeling great, and ready to work, or, just hang out. Nothing like getting paid below minimum wage for hanging out with friends, am I right? I mean, so long as nothing happens to the equipment, there was no real reason on why we need to watch the cameras and stuff, it's not like anyone's trying to kill us. What is this is all some elaborate plan made by the animatronics to gain our trust, lead us into a corner, and then murder us... Meh. Oh well. I was happy and everything was okay... For now. I went and grabbed my boxes and went to Pirate's Cove to lay down a pillow and a blanket for tonight's sleep, if I get any. I'm thinking about working a day shift too, but then, I LITERALLY wouldn't get any sleep. Man, this Cove is a lot bigger than it looks. Hmm, reminds me of the T.A.R.D.I.S. I placed the other box next to my 'bed'. Satisfied, I walked out of the Cove, greeted to pizza and drinks. The smell made me realize how hungry I really was. Then I realized that I'm hungry all the time...


After the pizza was done, we all decided to play a good game of hide and seek. Time to let our childhood come back. I hid in the kitchen inside one of the bottom cabinets while Chica was seeking. I was an idiot for hiding in the kitchen, I should've known that this would be the first place she'd look. Quickly found, I helped her look for the others. After everyone was found, we decided to play another round. This time, Mark was it and I hid inside Pirate's Cove under a few blankets. It was hard trying to keep my breath steady. Then, I heard the curtains open and my heart started racing. I felt the blanket lift off me. I smiled and sat up, but the smile didn't last as I gasped at the sight of who I saw.

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