New year's Kiss - Fluff

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"Cmon dude!! It'll be soooo fun!" Denki was droning on and on about some party for New year's. Hanta thought it was stupid. The whole thing. But what he didn't think was stupid, was the new year's kiss.

He's always wanted one but never exactly got it. And god knows he wouldn't try with his crush. The megane was far to straightforward with his deepest feelings, and the way his eyes sparkled when anyone mentioned anything he's ever loved or looked up to was too heartstopping for Hanta to handle. If Hanta could tell him everything he thought, he would freeze.

The tv went from some stupid ad to a new show. By now, denki had left for that party but Hanta invited Tenya over against his better judgment. Maybe he could convince Tenya that being with him wouldn't be that bad.

Knock, knock, knock.

Tenya was here. Hanta quickly moved across the floor in large strides to reach the cherrywood door before the megane could change his mind.

Tenya was welcomed in, making himself at home as Hanta grabbed some popcorn and started the movie.
Forty five minutes. Forty five minutes before Hanta had to man up and make his move.

Tenya and Hanta were entangled on Hanta's couch, Tenya's arm wrapped tight around Hanta's waist as he rested his head on Hanta's shoulder and Hanta snuggled back into his warmth under the blankets, fighting off the cold chills lingering in his legs and feet. Tenya hugged him tighter.

The movie was softly playing in the background as the fireplace crackled and the smell of sugar cookies wafted into the room from the oil burner in the kitchen. Flurries of snow were falling outside, waiting to settle. The only thing that could make any of this better, Tenya thought, was if they were actually dating. Tenya wanted so bad to lean over a press a kiss to Hanta's forehead, or call him baby and just make a little small talk in the boring parts of the movie. There were thirty two minutes until midnight, but Hanta couldn't wait any longer. He turned in Tenya's arms so he was nose to nose with Tenya and wrapped his arms around him before he spoke.

"Hey, Tenya?" 


"Would you...." what, maybe wanna go out sometime? Fuck, Hanta hadn't planned this far ahead. Yet he continued his question anyway.

"Would you wanna be my boyfriend?" And there we go. Hanta was nervous now if he hadn't been before but things got better when Tenya's grip tightens and he pressed a kiss to Hanta's forehead as he changed the channel. The ball was going to drop in twenty five minutes, and Tenya knew Hanta wanted to see it.

"Yes, Hanta. I would love that." And they turned their attention back to the tv, listening to it drone on and on until the countdown started.

30 seconds. Tenya entwined their fingers together.

25 seconds. "Hey Hanta?"

20 seconds.  Hanta rolled over to face Tenya.

15 seconds. "Hanta, have you ever had a new year's kiss?"

10 seconds. The people gathered around the giant ball were counting down the seconds until they got to midnight, signaling the new year.

9 seconds.  "No, I can't say I have. Why?"

5 seconds. "Well, can I be your first?"

4 seconds.

3 seconds. Hanta's eyes lit up as he smiled.

2 seconds.

1 second.
Hanta leaned forward just as Tenya had, closing the space between them and lacing his arms around Tenya's neck as they smiled into the kiss.

"Happy new year, Hanta."
"Happy new year, Tenya"
A/N thank gOD that 2020 is finally over.

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