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ALRIGHT YALL! It's October and that means I'm using the inktober prompts to write my oneshots.

Again, please make sure that you read the warnings before delving into the following content.


- paranoia
- detailed body horror
- unsettling descriptions
- sleep paralytic events
Read at your own risk. I am not responsible for any reactions beyond this point.

Drip... drip.... drip.....

Tenya shot awake. He couldn't move or talk, but he could feel something dripping onto his face from the ceiling. It was cold and wet, slimy even, and it became increasingly unnerving with every passing second that the sensation continued. It stained his pillows an ugly shade of brownish-red and felt like it was burning holes through his arms. He couldn't move his head and get a better look, so he lay there hoping that whatever it was would just go away. He had been having what he thought were hallucinations for the longest time, and he could never figure out what actually happened at those times. His skin was crawling and he felt like he was being watched from every corner, nook and cranny of his room as everything closed in on him. Breathing got harder and every little detail around him became noticeable. He was panicking, horribly so, but then everything stopped when he heard it.

Something was crawling around. It skittered from one side of the ceiling down the wall opposite the boy and moved to rest in the far left of his room. Tenya couldn't see what it was and that scared the absolute shit out of him. There was no way to move or speak or find out what it was. Tenya was stuck. And whatever it was? It was stuck with him.

A few more agonizing seconds went on and the creature crawled from the dark corner to sit in front of Tenya's bed, just out of view of the boy.

One by one, spindly legs wrapped around cast iron bars and giant footpads rested on the sheets at the foot of the bed. As the creature crawled up the metal, Tenya caught a glimpse of what could have been a human at one time. The boy in front of him had so many eyes, they were protruding from every angle of the upper half of his head. He looked like some spider experiment gone wrong and his arms were twisted to match the spider legs. And when he got closer, Tenya's eyes widened.

Then he felt teeth ripping into his flesh, and the world went still.

When we shot up in his bed, he was relieved. He really should talk to his doctor about this.

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