Runaways - angst/fluff

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No quirk! Au • slightly aged up characters •
A/N : AHHH, I'm back! Sorry for the long wait between updates. Anyway, I apologize ahead of time for this being all over the damn place!
"Hanta! Wait! Shouldn't we have—" Tenya was interrupted by the abrupt change in speed, eyes blown wide and screaming in surprise and just watching Hanta burst into bubbling laughter and giggles as they ran through the woods, hopping over fallen trees and listening to the soft thumps of his shoes against the ground.  The other boy had taken his off, tying them to his book bag so they were out of the way.

"Baby, please. Just stop for a moment." Tenya pleaded. His boyfriend came to a halt and had disconnected their hands. His back was still facing Tenya while he spoke.

"We should at least make plans to go home sometime. Your friends are probably worried by now." Tenya spoke with a tinge of concern in his voice, hoping Hanta would hear him out and teetering on the edge of nervous and confused. 

"So what. They didn't care before I left. They didn't care when I was pleading for at least one of them to talk to me because I didn't have anyone. The most I had were sparse game nights with Kaminari where he made fun of me for literally everything, I don't even care if they were jokes. They hurt. Then there's Bakugou. All he ever did was degrade me, and he always meant what he said. I don't even think he knew my real name." Hanta was shaking, fists balled up at his sides. His hair blew in the small breeze, pausing so he could catch his breath.

"Nothing I ever did mattered to them. Or my family. That's why I asked you that. We both have shitty families. I hated watching you cry because Tensei was their favorite and you were their dog. So I asked you to come with me. When I texted you and said "let's run away" I meant what I said, Tenya, but I'm not going to force you to go with me. If you don't wanna go, I'll walk you to the edge of the woods and then I'll leave. But if you wanna go, keep up." And he stormed off in the opposite direction as Tenya stood there in shock. A few seconds later he kicked his ass into gear when he heard Hanta break into a run.

Black hair and long limbs made their way through the trees, ignoring the screams of his boyfriend. Why couldn't Tenya just take him seriously. It hurt.

"Hanta, wait, please—" but Tenya lost his footing on a bank and tumbled down the hill, twisting his ankle and he was cut off with a yelp.

From a distance, Hanta froze. Tenya sounded like he had just gotten hurt and Hanta would be damned if he let his pride get in the way of Tenya's safety. 

His feet pounded against the forest floor, grass flying after every panicked thud and beat against the dirt. Somewhere along the line, he couldn't recall when, he'd started crying.

"Tenya!! Where are you?! Please, just yell something! Let me know you're okay!!" He was panicked now. Where was Tenya?! Why wasn't he answering?! Suddenly Hanta could see a hand come into view. His mind was racing as it laid out the worst possible options of what could have happened.

Hanta slid down the dirt bank,  stumbling as he got back up and ran. He found Tenya curled there, looking pained and quietly crying to himself as he lay with his knees up to his chest.

"TENYA!!" Came a yell.

Tenya looked toward the sound, seeing the figure of a tall boy, who he'd come to recognize as the boy he loves, come into view. Hanta knelt beside him, picking Tenya up off the ground and cradling him close to his chest in a hug. He was mumbling a whole bunch of apologies and over-exaggerated blame for himself.

Tenya hesitated before wrapping his arms around the other boy, telling him he was okay as Hanta pulled back to grab both his cheeks and hold his face in a worried and loving embrace. Hanta asked what had happened and Tenya explained that he'd twisted his ankle pretty bad on a hole that he hadn't seen while running.

"Can I see it? I wanna try something." Hanta asked, nervous for the others response but Tenya threw his leg over Hanta's, allowing him to do whatever he needed.

Hanta removed his boyfriends shoe and slightly slid his pants leg up as he worked on him, soft fingers massaging at the skin as he worked the pressure out of the megane's skin. It hurt but it was sufferable. Hanta genuinely felt horrible for throwing his little fit. They sat there like that for as long as Tenya could remember. And when they were done, Hanta grabbed Tenya's bag, heading back the direction they'd came until he reached out and placed his hand on the raven's shoulder.

"I thought we were running away?" He said, a smile spreading across his face as glassed eyes lit up and blue hair was ruffled by the breeze.

Hanta did the same, grabbing Tenya's hand and running again, the other boy keeping up this time, as they giggled their way through the woods, stopping at the edge of a meadow, only for Tenya to tackle Hanta into the wildflowers in a kiss.

A kiss that was slow and sultry, filled with excitement and adrenaline and returned with the force of millions, as Hanta smiled against Tenya's lips and giggled when the blue haired boy began to tickle him. Tenya was letting loose. He was letting go.

Hanta sat there with his legs crossed and his hands in his lap as he watched his boyfriend run around like a child, inevitably flopping down in the tall grass and wildflowers  so he could roll around and then crawl his way back to Hanta. He was laughing when he pulled himself up, sitting on his heels and taking both of Hanta's hands in his to bring to his lips in a kiss. The other giggled and allowed himself to be pulled into his lover's lap as they turned toward the clearing, mountains carving out the perfect spot for the sun to set.

Their cares faded as Hanta lay his head on Tenya's, feeling an arm wrap around his waist and caress his side under the golden hue of the summer sunset. They would go back in the morning, they both knew it, but for now?

For now they could have fun, and they could just pretend they were runaways.

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