Trinity :- Chapter 6 :- Answer first. Question later.

Start from the beginning

No wonder my father disowned me.

I knew that would result when I started doing it. But I was young. A slave to my own immaturity.

'Conversations would be such a bore for you, knowing what will be said, and indeed prewriting your responses.'

Presents mean nothing to an omniscient like me.

'You will never know the emotion of shock. Or true happiness. What good is a present when you already know what it is?'

I know when and where I shall die. The circumstances and how it will occur. It will be soon. And when it comes, I shall not fear it. I have seen enough of Death in life, and when it is my time, I will embrace Death with open arms.

Travis feels the comfort of letting his mind wander freely. It gives him a rush of contentment that he rarely allows himself the luxury of enjoying.

'Worst of all you know, what day you will die. The circumstances. The time, and who will be there. Is Port Hedland where you will die Shadow? And if so, you know how to prevent it, change your destiny? But then you knew you would change your destiny, so you wouldn't really be changing your destiny at all would you. You'd be just living out your life as you knew it would occur.'

Evolution has been occurring on a time-scale that is beyond even my comprehension. It is the greatest game of all. For one line of evolution to end marks the moment when a long line of ancestral species existed for nothing.

To know all these species, their history, their struggles.

Sometimes it overwhelms me.

'It is at times like this that I feel most sorry for you. Of course you know that though. And yet just when I feel most sorry for you, you will hold out your hand, and a butterfly will alight on your finger. And you smile. Then you give me a scrap telling me that that was the last of its species left. From that day forth, a small part of the history of evolution will exist no more, and that the last of its species spent a few seconds on your finger. And you smile.'

My brother knows the secret to my youth. My brother will be the one who kills me, for that is what Fate has in store for my future.

Travis' expression turns to one of seriousness.

'Like the day you watched 9/11. Eating that ice cream. Watching, and smiling while everyone around us screamed in terror. Which comes the question of how you can keep your youth after all these years. Your still the same from when I first met you. How?'

I hate my life. I hate me.

This is why I shall become close with Tuomas on the backseat of this stolen vehicle. For the GhostTalker shall one day feel the pain I feel every day. And truly understand.

To know that will make me happy.

'You can never experience the mystery of life, yet at the same time your entire life is a mystery.'

'You cannot experience the happiness everyone else experiences, but you can experience happiness because I have been there when you smiled. Not the fake smiles you give to ellicit a certain response from a person. The way you smiled at Richard, or indeed at me when we first met. Those were the cold smiles of an imposter; a pretender, made for your own reasons. They aren't the smiles of happiness.'

I never wanted my father to die. But I had to. After all, letting my father die was the eventual price I had to pay to give my mother five extra days of life. I learned the hard way not to mess with Destiny.

'And I have seen you sad. When you wake up and nothing can make you happy. When you watched your father die.'

The memory sends a shiver through him.

'You cried the only tears I have ever seen you weep. I couldn't understand. You said you could have saved him, but it was his fate to die on that day.

I think I have figured you out and then you do the exact opposite of my assumptions about you.'

You will never truly know me, Travis, even though you will spend more time with me than any other. And even after my death, you will struggle to understand what a curse it is to know everything. But you will come to realise why I existed. Why I must lie to you. Decieve you. Decieve everyone I meet.

Why I must be the only person to practise true free will.

Travis sighs and unwittingly recharges his mental reserves with another lungful of innocuous cancer.

'The girl is a mystery. I will never know Shadow. And come to think of it, I hope I never do. Somehow I feel scared if I ever did know you. I guess I just love the mystery and suspense too much.'

And as the headlights roll back the blackness of the night, a sign is revealled to him.

Port Hedland 200km.

He gets the car up to speed. The tyres on the road, the humming engine breaks the frigid silence.

And as his mind returns to the ether, I fade into the monotonous empty nothing which perpetuates my existence. For I must meet the Dream Prophet, and show her the future.


Hey there all! Well I hope this explains more about Shadow and builds the mystery around her as well!!! I guess I tried to portray how Shadow knows what will be thought of and how she thinks about another person's thoughts even before they think it, for, (of course) an omniscient would be able to do that.

Provide an answer before a question is posed.

Not sure if it worked but anyway gave it a shot! Hope it is not too confusing!

Again any criticisms and grammar punctuation problems please point them out to me I love that stuff! It makes me a better writer!

For the next chapter Shadow will enter the dream state and will converse with Jacy from my story the Dream Academy! The Dream Academy was always just a backstory to Trinity, developing a character that can enter other people's dreams and stuff!

Hope you all keep reading!!! I am enjoying writing this and trying to break new ground in writing future tense almost instead of past and present tense!!!! It is soooooo hard!!!!!

Cheers all and wish me the best for The Watty Awards:)

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