Trinity :- Chapter 6 :- Answer first. Question later.

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Chapter 6 :- Answer first. Question later.

RECAP :- In the past fifteen minutes, I have raised my hand to constrain Travis from letting himself become overwhelmed by his emotions, dodged spittle coming out of Tuomas's mouth, and stared out at the beauty of the skeletal moon.

With these subtle gestures, I have done all that I needed to do. Travis and the ghost of Mark Rossteau did the rest for me through the simple act of being themselves.

Tuomas is now on the path towards self hate, and the gaping maw of Destiny itself beckons him forth.

I only need to guide him.

Travis believes I am asleep, but I shall not yet go to sleep for another five minutes and forty three seconds. It is my knowledge of his thoughts that will keep me awake for this long. Because from now, he will quietly contemplate my existence.

I try to fight Fate, anxious to exercise my own free will by showing Travis that I am still awake, but my responsibilities to correcting the past chain me down. Shackle me to do nothing but play The Game.

His thoughts make me frightened. At how well he knows me; how strong his conviction is that he is doing the right thing. I already knew that this emotion would well up from somewhere deep within me at this moment. And yet it's the immediacy of his thoughts that cause this fear. As well as the guilt at not revealling to him the whole truth.

'I am safe in my own thoughts,' he muses to himself. 'Well I assume I am safe. Of course, Shadow already knows everything I will think of, even if she is asleep. But I have grown used to that fact. At least I can do it without the worry of her reacting to my wayward thoughts. My world is mine again in that sense.'

Travis shall feel for the cigarette pack in his pocket and extract one. The driver side window will lower by his mental command. The usual sound of rushing air in doing this shall be muffled because he shall cancel the noise by mere thought. The air obeys him. And now his index finger lights the cigarette, even before it has reached his lips.

'So what are your plans now Shadow? Are we to go watch another animal species become extinct? Will there be another world shattering incident we will bear witness to? Maybe meet some more people with unique abilities?'

I want to say yes to all of those questions, but I am not destined to do so. Not if I want the future to be stable.

He takes in a deep breath of smoke, knowing its contaminants will be immediately doused and rendered harmless by his supernatural immunity.

But Travis thinks nothing of this.

He only smokes for the psychological peace of mind of doing Something. Anything. During these phases of Nothing.

As he does this, I find myself considering the thought he is about to have.

If I could have a wish, it would be to feel surprise.

'In a way I don't really want to know. It ruins the mystery to know. And thats an advantage I have over you. Your life is already set, and has no mystery. And without mystery you can never experience surprise.'

I laugh when I wait to watch someone about to do a silly act that will kill them. Watching stupid deaths helps keeps me sane. Of course Travis knows this. It's just been a long time since I bothered to witness one. The novelty of it wears thin after a while.

'There are so many emotions you can never fathom. How can you laugh when you already know the punchline to a joke?'

It was at first exciting to know what people would say. When I did have a voice, I always played the game of saying what someone will say at the moment they say it. But when a two year old girl plays that game on someone, the shocked expression soon becomes one of extreme fear. Fear at not knowing why I can do such things. It alienated me. Caused my great loneliness in the first place.

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