Chapter 12- "It was nothing."

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It is now nine in the morning and Im surprised I woke up this early. I mean, this isn't early but Ive been sleeping late, every night but I don't know why. I grabbed the flowers I got sitting on the nightstand and grab my penny board and begin my journey towards the O2L house.

As soon as I got there, Ricky had the door opened since I called him earlier," is he still sleeping?" I asked.

"Yeah," Ricky replied. "But he had a bad night last night."

I nod and tiptoed up the stairs. Kian's door was slightly opened so I pushed it open even more quietly. I take in the moment of his 'peacefulness' under his white covers. I place the flowers on his dresser and climb into bed next to him," happy birthday Kian!" I say.

But, he didn't wake up. Instead, he just wiggled around. Seriously Kian? I might as well just slap him in the face... But I didn't. Instead, I gave him a kiss which ended up on his lips. His eyes slowly opened and then smiled," I heard you the first time, I just wanted you to do that," he said.

I roll my eyes and get off of him as he follows," these are for you birthday boy. They might be stupid since you're a guy but Im really lame at presents."

He takes the flowers and smiles," I love them... And you." We're still not dating because it was still my decision whether to keep this going or not so I just smiled back.

"Man, I cannot believe that summer is over already," I say.

"Yeah, well I have a very, important meeting today. Some producers called me to guest star in this movie and Im taking it. So that means I can't spend today with you," he says.

What? But I had a birthday party planned for him! "Oh poop."

He throws an arm around me," don't be sad. We can spend tomorrow together."

"But tomorrow isn't your birthday, now is it?" I say, disappointed that he couldn't make it. "Its fine Kian, I hope you have an amazing day." I didn't say that sarcastically, I just wished he could've told me that before.


When I got home, I saw all the decorations ready for Kian's birthday party. I called Xavier to come over yesterday to help decorate. The door opened and in came Lia with the food," hey Autumn! Did you tell the birthday boy to come over around seven?" she says.

I shake my head," he's not coming... He has a meeting about a movie he's starring in."

"Oh... Don't be sad. I know you worked hard on this but its alright... Unless we trick him into coming," she says.

"No. I want him to come but this is a really important meeting to him so I don't want to ruin it. This is a big thing for him and O2L," I say.

"But its his birthday and you're his favorite person in the world. So get your booty up and continue decorating. Call the guys over and lets get this party started!" she yells.

"I love you Lia," I laugh.


"Guys, this place looks great," I say to the guys and Lia. Now I know whats next. Lia is going to call Kian and tell him that Im in the hospital even though Im totally not down with this plan.

"Cell phone me Autumn," Lia says. I sigh before handing her my cell phone and she dials Kian's number, putting the speaker on. She told everyone to shush.

"Hello?" Kian answers in a whisper. See, he's busy. I don't want to do this.

"Hey Kian, it's Lia. I know you're really busy but Autumn is in the hospital..."

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