Chapter 22

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"Joe, can you hand me that concealer over there?" I ask, applying mascara to my eye lashes. No, I do not wear tons of makeup. I only wear mascara, Chapstick and concealer.

"I don't get why you need it. You're perfectly fine," he says, handing me the bottle. I squirt some into my hand and reach for the brush.

"I have so many blemishes. I don't know, they're just ugly," I say before putting everything down. I am heading to the mall today with Zoe since shes been begging for me to do something with her. I watch as Joe stands up and looks around my room.

"Hasn't changed, huh," he says. I nod at his sentence. Ive had this room since who knows how long. Its not the master bedroom but it was a runner up. I love this room. He walks over to where my closet was and grabs something," you still have this?"

I stay confused until he pulls out his guitar. It was his and he gave it to me to remember him by," of course, I would never trash it."

He smiles before taking it and sitting on my bed, lightly strumming it," I missed this."

"Why don't you go sing me something while I wait for Zoe," I say, standing by my mirror. He sighs before nodding in agreement.

And with that, he starts singing to 'I want it that way' by the Backstreet Boys. That was a classic for Joe. I remember his first time singing it to me. It was absolutely horrible. But now, he sounds amazing. You are my fine, the one desire. Believe when I say, I want it that way.

When he finishes, I applaud him," you should really make a career out of this."

"I'd rather make YouTube videos," he laughs, putting the guitar down.

"Im serious Joe," I said, moving closer to him. "You're a great singer."

For a moment, we just kept staring at each other until we both started leaning in. The moment just got so heated. We were almost about to kiss until I heard," Autumn! Are you ready?" Zoe yells. I immediately pull away since I was shocked.

"I should go," I say, grabbing my bag. As I was about to walk out, I felt a hand grab at my arm. Joe turns me around before he stands up. He lands a kiss on my cheeks before leaving. I sigh before walking down to Zoe.

We both ended up shopping at this small boutique. Who knew we had this? I ended up watching Zoe as she shops. Shopping isn't really my thing. This boutique had all types of ancient things which got me curious about their stories," Autumn! Look at this," Zoe says making me walk across the store.

I take a look at the piece of jewelry. It was absolutely beautiful. It was a bracelet that had these beautiful charms to it," well someone likes it," Zoe says, nudging me.

"Okay, I do. But it costs a fortune," I say.

"Don't sweat it. I'll buy it for-"

"No Zoe, you are not buying me anything," I say before staring straight at her. We always argue about her buying me things. She gives in and sighs. When I look up, Joe walks in with Connor. Why on earth are they here? Zoe walks over to Joe and whispers something in his ear before she drags me out the door.

"What did you tell him?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Erm... About when we are going to leave. Yeah, thats it," she says, obviously lying. These Suggs got me all wrapped up. But Im still in love with their British accents.

"So where are we going now?" I ask, changing the subject.

"We are off to a meeting," she says as I groan. "Don't worry, all of the YouTubers will be there including Connor and Joe so you can go sit with them."

Our Crazy Story // Kian LawleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora