Chapter 24

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After a long goodbye from Kian and Lia, I finally hopped onto the airplane. This is my first time traveling alone but its quite nice since you get to spend some time alone. I packed tons of sweaters because it is freezing cold in England.

Joe told me he was gonna pick me up and bring us to his house with Caspar and then the next day, Zoe and Alfie were gonna come over and then I don't know whats gonna happen next. I really hope that I can clear my head off of things.

When I landed and got my luggage, I make my way outside. It took a while but I saw Joe standing there, leaning against the wall and talking on the phone. Warm welcome Joe. I laugh before making my way towards him," Autumn!" he beams, hanging up the call.

"You know, I pictured this moment differently," I say, making him laugh. He pulled something from behind him and it was a bouquet of flowers.

"Is this how you pictured it?" he asks before hugging me. Airports is a destination of hugs and kisses, even more than weddings.

"Not exactly but these are lovely, thanks Joe," I say.

The ride back to Jaspar's, which is Caspar and Joe's ship name, was quite short. Who knew they lived so close to the airport? "Oh my gosh, Autumn!" Caspar yells, jumping up from his position on the couch and hugging me.

"Dude, she can't breathe," Joe says, setting my luggage down.

"Aw, Joseph's jealous," Caspar teases before I laugh.

"Same old Caspar," I say. "Hows it been?"

"Stupid since Ive been living with him. Can you believe how many pranks he's pulled on me? And how much time he's wasted because of that?" Caspar asks.

I laugh," what do you expect from him? He was class clown every single year. I remember that time when he told me my guinea pig died and I believed him. That guinea pig was my best friend and I started crying but he told me it was joke and I beat the crap out of him."

He smiles," ah Joseph. He's so childish."

"Yet Im younger than him but Im more mature."

Behind Caspar was another guy but he wasn't just an ordinary guy," Marcus!" I yell, immediately hugging him. He laughs before hugging back.

"Ive missed you little one," he says. Okay, I may be the shortest out of everyone but its fine.

"Are we having a reunion?" I smile. "Hows Niomi?" I ask.

He smiles," shes doing lovely, thanks for asking. These two idiots never ask if things are alright," he says, smacking Caspar and Jim. I never noticed how many guy friends I have. Its odd that I have this many but it doesn't bug me at all.

"Okay, thats it. Im pretty sure Autumn is jet lagged and very tired," Joe cuts in. Caspar and Marcus nods before making their way back to the couch.

"Actually, Im not that tired and I would love to look around this city but if you're-"

"Then let's go," he smiles.


We spent the rest of the day by exploring London. It was absolutely incredible and beautiful. Joe showed me a whole bunch of tourist sights and since it was night time, everything was lit up and it was amazing. Why am I not living here?

But it was the next morning by now so that means Zoe and Alfie are coming! I am so excited because I haven't seen Alfie in ages and I just missed Zoe even though I talked to her a couple of days ago.

When the door opens, Zoe immediately sees me and runs towards me, pulling me into a 'Zoe' hug. She gives the tightest hugs," I cannot believe you're physically here in England!" she squeals. Typical Zoe.

Our Crazy Story // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now