Chapter 17

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Second week of classes here in college and its like high school all over again honestly. Except, classes only give you one chance so you cant screw it up. Plus, I got my chances with football again. The coach loves what I do and he believes in me so you're looking at the quarterback of the Junior Varsity team. Before you make fun, these guys are huge and they're really good.

As for others, I would weekly Skype Lia and Ricky and Jc and everyone else but him. Its hard for me to keep in touch with everyone since these classes and football but I try to manage them all. Who knew college would be so difficult? But I have met tons of people and according to this chick named Stacy, Im at the top of the popularity list... Like I care.

"How did you think you do on Zamburg's test?" Jordan asks, shooting his ball. This was normal. After classes, he would do free throws while I sit on the bench and watch. It would occasionally switch from him helping me with football.

"I honestly have no idea. My mind has been going coo-coo this week," I answer causing both of us to laugh. Sure Ive been studying but its still hard for me.

"I wouldn't blame you. Your birthday is this month," he says, tying his shoes.

"I know but its not that special. Billions of people go on in their life not caring about Autumn Jenkins being born," I state.

"But I care about you and thats enough because I am your best college friend you have. Lets make a deal, if I make this basket, I throw you a party," he says.

I roll my eyes," you're in college and you're making an offer of throwing a ball in a net."

"Fine Miss Perfect," he says, running half way down the court. "How about here?"

"Sure," I shrug. He was gonna make it either way so it didn't really matter. He dribbles the ball and aims for the net. Oh look, he scored. Yippee.

"Looks like princess is getting her crown," he says, smiling.

"Don't call me princess. Ive got to go but I'll see you later," I say, taking my shoulder bag with me. I am done with that name. I am done with him. Now, let's go study for another annoying test.


The week after that, we got our tests back from Zamburg and surprisingly, I failed. That was my last chance though. This class has been the most difficult one and Zamburg just failed me. He's gonna kick me out," Autumn! Guess who got an A!" Jordan says, walking into my room. I hide my paper underneath and pillow and smile.

"Congrats Jord, guess you really are complex," I say.

"Where's your test?" he ask.

I shrug," Zamburg said he hasn't graded it yet or he probably lost it," I say, wishing it was one of those reasons. Telling people this is embarrassing. I mean, you're in the third week of college and you're already failing classes

"Thats alright Autumn, I bet you you got an A as well," he smiles.

"Don't count on it," I sigh.

He frowns," anyways, Im off to practice. You coming?"

I shake my head," Im just gonna hang back." He nods and then leaves. And my hang back, I mean Im just gonna go drive away somewhere. Thank god for Nikes, I can go running. But not today.

I got into my car and decided to pay my mom a visit. I should warn her about failing and how I might be kicked out soon. This college is so strict that its not even fair. When I arrive home, being the stupid me, I forgot my mom had work. I sigh as I look around the house.

That was when I cried. I was sitting at the staircase at the porch and cried at how my stupidity got the worse of me. Monica suggested that if Im failing, I would talk to Jordan's father but that is just desperate. I don't want him to think of me like that.

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