Chapter 1- "Watch where you're going."

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Author's Note: Before you begin to read, I am in the middle of reviewing and editing this story. I wrote this a couple years ago so please be lenient with the grammar and spelling :) Enjoy!

It's finally summer- the only time of the year where you don't have to worry about exams, quizzes, or waking up so early in the damn morning. Turning 18 was the best time of my life because I recieved a brand new car and I'm in love with it. I don't have to share it with my annoying brother, Xavier. Sure he's older than me and sure he's much cooler but I don't care.

"Autumn, go get the groceries. The list is on the fridge!" My mom yells as she exits through the door. I would do anything to drive my car but not for getting groceries. I was sprawled over the couch and it was really comfy.

"Ugh, why can't you do it?" I whine to Xavier who's sitting across from me, texting his so-called girlfriend. All they do is slobber over each other and it's disgusting.

"Because I ain't got time to do this shit so just do what mom says," he says. I roll my eyes as I got up. It is such a sunny day in California, isn't that a first. Note my sarcasm. I've always wanted to live in New York or somewhere near there because it snows and I would love to see snow.

I head outside and straight into my car. First stop, the grocery store. Second stop, Walgreens. My mom always has coupons for toilet paper there so she told me to pick up some. That's a nice view of me heading out of Walgreens with just toilet paper.

When I arrive at the store, there was no more parking space in the parking lot. What's with people and food? It's only Saturday. People should be tired and sleepy like I am. I had to park two blocks away and that's just crazy.

As soon as I finished shopping, I'm carrying a whole bunch of groceries back to my car. I literally cannot see anything ahead of me because of these bags. Why do we have so many food for three people you may ask? Xavier. He eats like a pig... Maybe ten times their amount to be exact.

"Move out the way!" This guy yells. He was probably yelling at his friends or something so I kept walking on the sidewalk. Suddenly, I heard a big thump and all the bags fell onto the floor and so did I. The guy stands up first, revealing how tall he was. To be honest, he was absolutely stunning.

"Watch where you're going," he huffs, taking his skateboard out of the scattered pile of groceries. I scoff and stand up, patting my pants.

"You could at least act like a gentlemen and help," I said, picking up all the food.

"Maybe you could stop eating less so you could actually see where you're going with your food," he spat out, riding away on his skateboard.

I roll my eyes and let out a loud, "skater."

"Bagger," he quickly responds but it was still loud. Luckily, no one was around us and my car was close by. I put all the bags into the trunk and sit in the car. I hope I never see that guy again. Jerk.

I pulled into the Walgreens parking lot and head in. Lets buy some toilet paper, shall we? There were these two guys walking around, taking selfies with strangers on their phone. Are they famous or just stupid? I walk towards the toilet paper aisle and I see them coming towards me. The taller one was holding the phone and the other one was holding a camera like they were filming something.

"Hi stranger, selfie time!" The tall one says in excitement. He extends his arm and I smile as he takes the picture. "Hey, you're real pretty."

"Thank you," I respond.

"My name's Ricky and that's Connor. We're YouTubers with a channel called OurSecondLife collabed with some other guys," Ricky explains.

"Wow, that sounds really cool. I'll be sure to watch you," I say, smiling.

"You have some dirt on your pants," Connor mentions. I look at the bottom of my pants and roll my eyes as I dust the dirt away.

"This guy ran into me and he was a total jerk," I explain, receiving nods from the two of them. "But anyways, I hope you guys finish this video thing... Oh, my name's Autumn. Almost forgot."

"It was nice to meet you," Ricky said. Connor kept blushing and I don't know why. Ricky looks at him and then me. "Hey, would you like to meet the rest of the guys? They're cool."

"Um... Yeah, I don't see why not. Unless you guys are imposters that go around taking pictures of girls, using them to your advantage or liking, and then inviting me to get killed."

Ricky laughs as Conor gives me a surprised face, "no, no. We're really YouTubers. You can follow us in your car if that makes you feel safer."

I nod as the three of us get into our seperate cars. I know I shouldn't really trust strangers but they seem cool and they are YouTubers. They probably have a couple thousand subscribers since they're cool and funny.

We arrive at this huge mansion type of house. I park my car right behind Ricky's and we all head inside, "I have to warn you about a dog though. He's absolutely-"

As soon as Connor opened the door, this cute dog ran towards me and it was honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen. It started licking my face and not letting me go, "aww, look at the puppy."

"Huh, he usually doesn't like new people," Connor says.

"Well I was an intern at this vet," I say. This guy with a beanie comes out of the kitchen and watches the dog in my arms.

"That's cool," he comments. "Wishbone, out."

Wishbone. Isn't that a name of a salad dressing company? I do like the name though.

"Oh sorry, I'm Justin but everyone calls me Jc and thats my dog, Wishbone," he greets, shaking my hand. I shake back and respond with, "Im Autumn."

"Kian! We have a visitor," Jc yells. How many guys can live in this household?... Well this place is really messy but they're guys.

This so-called Kian walks into where we are and says, "what do you want- No way, its bagger chick."

No way, no fucking way.

"Skater," I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"Excuse you but this is my house. I don't want some random, clumsy ass chick in here," he says. This guy is such a jerk.

"Well I'll be on my way," I say.

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