Chapter 29

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"I have a feeling you didn't come to work out," Kian says as he continues lifting the barbell or dumbell of whatever it was. Point is, he was lying down on this bench and lifting this thing.

I laugh," not really... I just came for moral support I guess."

"Wel... Help me... By getting me... Water," he says, taking breaths in between. He was all sweaty and gross. That's new to Kian for me. I usually see him all... Skinny. I walk to the other side of the gym since that's where our bags were located.

"What's a little lady like you doing here?" this guy says next to me. He seemed pretty intimidating.

"Uh... Supporting my friend?" I answer. Really Autumn? Supporting your friend? How much of an idiot can you be? He pays close attention to my shirt.

"Your shirt... It speaks the truth. You sure are a beauty and I could be the beast," he says, flexing his arms. I like muscles but... Not that much. That's just really gross to me.

"I think I'm fine," I say, grabbing a water bottle and quickly walking back to Kian. He was still pushing the barbell up and down as I sigh.

"That isn't my water bottle," Kian says snapping me out of thought. I look at the water bottle in my hand and saw that it was my PINK water bottle. He shrugs before taking a sip from it. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head as he gives me a weird look. He sits on the bench opening his arms but I didn't want to hug him since he was really sweaty. But I had no choice so I walked over to him and sat on his lap as we hugged," I left you for a second to get a water bottle and then shit happens. Doesn't that tell you something?" I ask.

He smiles," that you're safe with me."

"I would love to enjoy this moment but your sweat is starting to come onto me," I say as he laughs.

"Alright Ms Picky, we'll leave," he says.

"You don't have to," I reply.

He stares down at me since he was standing up," yes we do. I don't want to upset you... Plus, I have a meeting in the morning so I should get some sleep."

"Well if that's what you want," I smile and shrug at the same time. He laughs as we grab our boards and his backpack where that guy was giving me looks. "I thought about it," I say as Kian was about to put his penny board down.

"Thought about what?" he asks, picking his board back up.

"How everything comes back to you," I answer. "In a good way."

This time he smiles," so..."

"So... If we don't get home soon, I am going to fall asleep," I say. He laughs as we started jogging back to my place. Just my luck, there were five more minutes til' midnight. Luckily, everyone was asleep.

"Are you staying the night?" I ask.

"No but I will be here in the morning," he says as I frown. "I promise."


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," I hear. Do people know how to be quiet and let me sleep? Because obviously not. Just shut up for once, "oh, did I wake you?" Kian asks barging into my room. He was a mess right now with his messed up hair and bad attire.

"Not at all," I say in a weird voice. "Come here."

When he walks over, I tuck his dress shirt in his dress pants and buttons his shirt. I take the tie that was in his hand and tie it around him. After that, I started combing my hand through his hair and fixed it for him," next time, don't be late and wake me up," I say.

Our Crazy Story // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now