Chapter 30

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I've decided to spend today with Sophia, Xavier and Emma because I'm going on the camping trip tomorrow and I'll be gone for the weekend. Kian was heading to that gym with those fitness trainers but it doesn't bother me because I trust him.

The four of us decided to go bike riding. It was mainly my idea but Xavier agreed. We rente bicycles with a seat in the back. Sophia sits behind me and Emma sits behind Xavier. We were just riding around Los Angeles until we all grew hungry so we took a stop," can I have two iced coffees with cream and sugar and two apple juices?" Xavier says to the waitress as she nods.

"So..." Xavier says. "How are you?"

I smile," I'm good."

"Are you going back to England?" he asks sadly. I've never seen him so upset over something. I mean, I know he's my big brother but he usually jokes around with me.

I shake my head," nah, I think I'll stick to America."

"Kian convinced you, huh," he scoffs.

"Partially," I reply. "I missed Lia so much, I missed Connor. And I just found out I had an amazing little sister and I should spend more time with her. And I missed you."

"Sure you did," he scoffs again.

I roll my eyes," I know we've had rough patches and we weren't there for each other a lot of times but you're family, you're my amazing friend. I know you'll always be there for me, you know all of my deepest darkest secrets that no one knows. I love you so much."

"I love you too," Sophia says before munching on some pancakes.

"Why wub you chew!" Emma says too loudly.

Xavier laughs," alright lil' sis. I love you too."

It's so weird hearing him say that. Everything is weird lately. I cannot wait til camping! Shit, I need to get home and pack," hey, are we doing anything after this?" I ask.

"I was planning on taking them to see a movie," he says before I frown. Their movies take forever. "Don't worry, go home. Take care of your things. I've got these girls covered."

I smile," you're a lifesaver Xavier," I say before taking my iced coffee that was placed on the table. I put the cup and my bag in the basket in the front of the bike and began riding off.

When I got home, Jc and Lia were talking in the living room and it didn't look like a good conversation. I didn't want to be rude so I just walked up to my room where I saw a cute backpack. It had to be Lia's because I don't own a mint green Nike bag. I shrug before going to my drawers.

I packed my new bikini for the lake, two pairs of shorts, two pairs of shirts and some bandeus. I got a towel and some bug spray. I'm the one that gets bitten the most out of everyone and that's stupid like why am I such an attraction for bugs. I also bought a pair of sandals just in case but I'm wearing my Nike's tomorrow. I didn't have any jackets because they're all in England but I could borrow Lia's.

"He's such a dick," Lia yells, walking into my room. "How the heck can he dump me and move onto another girl at the same time?" she cries.

"Oh come on bubba," I say, bringing her into my arms. "Just forget about him. This camping trip will take your minds off of things. Me, you, Connor and Kian."

"But he's coming too... With his girlfriend," she cries.

"Then we won't talk to them alright? We'll stay in our pink tent that you got and we'll just have a blast without worrying about them okay?" I say as she nods. I'll do my best to keep Lia happy because she's always there for me.

Our Crazy Story // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now