Chapter 31

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"Hey Autumn?" Lia asks, shaking me lightly. I groan before opening my eyes and seeing Lia. I look at the clock beside me and it was close to the afternoon.

"What's up?" I ask, sitting up.

"It's just... I've been thinking. I don't think I'm ever going to get a boyfriend again," she says as I sigh. I move over so she could take a seat next to me.

"Why not?" I say, stroking her hair.

"Because my heart is still set on Jc but now he's with... The slut," she wimpers.

"I know you're upset and trust me, I'm infuriated but I was once told that if you love someone, you should let them go. And when they finally learn they love you, they'll come back. I doubt Jc is going to stay with her, he's smarter than that," I say.

She smiles," Kian is so lucky to have you."

"Don't worry, I'll always be here for you," I say as we embrace in a hug. Past her, I saw my phone light up... And then shut off... And then light up again. I pull away and grab my phone. I wasn't suprised to see that it was Kian.

Good morning princess

Hope you feel great today


I love you

I miss you

Come to my game today

That was his most recent one. So that's probably why he's been going to the gym, he's been practicing," are you up for a sporting event today?" I ask Lia.

"Sure... Why?" she says confused.

"Because it's mandatory for dating a basketball player," I laugh as she smiles. I remember that Kian left one of his old jerseys here so I might as well wear that to cheer him on.

"Alright, I'll meet you downstairs," she says, leaving my room. I just stuck with his jersey and some denim shorts and tied my hair in a ponytail. Plus, I wore my white converse even though it is sunny in LA.


When we get to the park where the basketball course was located, it was packed. Lia and I had to stand by the bleachers because they were all taken. Who knew a little basketball game would mean so much? But I knew why when I saw a group of teenage girls sitting on the benches with Kian's number jerseys on them with their phones out.

We arrived late but Kian's team was in the lead. I don't really get basketball so I'll just stick to football. As I scan the crowd, I saw Jc there with Brittney. Did Kian really invite him? "Lia..." I say.

"I know... I see them," she sighs. Lia must be really upset about this. She really loves that goofball. Maybe guys just take a little longer to realize that they already found their true love.

"She's no competition," I say to her as she smiles and looks down. Aw, I made Lia blush. I was interrupted by this huge horn that rang. All of the players left the court and I found Kian running towards me all sweaty.

"Hey gorgeous," he says, hugging me to death. This is really gross. "Hey gorgeous number two," he says to Lia as she smiles again.

"Get off of me you sweaty pig," I say, pushing him off. He laughs and does what I say. "Why'd you invite the two snogs?" I ask.

He sighs," because he's like my brother and guys don't really fight that much," he says. "I hope the both of you understand that."

"Of course we do," Lia says. "Don't let our drama get to your brother-ship thing."

Our Crazy Story // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now