42. Happy-sad moment

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A/N : Zameer is twenty-four!!! In the last update "thirty" was supposed to be a joke😭
How can I ever make Zameer 30 years old!? Then I'll have to call him uncle nah...🤮

Zameer's disappointed and angry with all of you now!

Anyway, any thirty year old's over here?😏


~ Don't allow someone to treat you poorly, just because you love them.


Time, you never realize how quickly it goes. Minutes become hours, hours into days, days into months and that's how today 19 years had passed from the day I was born.

A birthday. But to me, it was just a day like any other days. No.. it was an even more depressing day. The day my mother passed away.

I just looked out the window, staring at the pit patter of the rain drops that kept falling ever so quietly. A cold sensation ran through my body.

I waited for my tears to flow, but as always it never came. Maybe I just wanted to cry or rather I hoped that someone would be there to cry with me. To cry for me.

I sound pathetic.

I felt gloomy.

Was that how I am supposed to feel?

I had nothing to remember my mother with, no memory, except a faded picture of hers, which filled my heart with happiness.

It wasn't a beautiful picture, I couldn't even trace her features, but there was one thing I could see that was more than enough for me, her smile. Her lips widely stretched, the front teeth visible, her eyes lit up. Maybe it looked ghostly for others, but for me it looked heavenly. Mama. My mama.

Yet again instead of crying, I smiled, I am sure that's what my mother wants, so that's what I'll do.

Life, like every fairy tale, would never end up in a happily ever after. Just like my mother, whom I never had the chance to hold, my father whom I never had the chance to live with.

Does that mean I am all alone in this world?

"Amyrah! Oh my Allah!"

Maybe not.

Ammar along with his wife, Rayzah barged into my room like they thought that I was dead.


"It's your birthday!" Ammar yelled.

I made a face. "So?" He just mumbled something.

Then took out a small thing, something wrapped with a newspaper. "Your present," he said.

I internally face palmed. I didn't even have to open it to know what's inside. From the age of seven, every year he would buy me a purple coloured A-shaped keytag. And today's no different. I opened the crushed paper and took out a purple coloured A-shaped keytag.

I've got such a poor brother.

"Thanks bro. I love it so much!" I said, forcing myself to show excitement. He grinned.

"Look what I got you!" Rayzah exclaimed.

It was rectangular shaped, wrapped with a polka dot wrapping paper. "Wow!" I opened the present enthusiastically.

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