54. Emotions upon emotions

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~ May the man you are praying for today, be the man you will be praying behind with tomorrow.


"This. Is. So. Embarassing."

Amyrah groaned. Well, she needs to learn a lesson.



"Are you mad at me?" I gave her a pout.

"I am. And don't give me that look," She says narrowing her eyes.

"Okay," I nod, looking down with puppy eyes.


After almost five minutes and forty seconds, I heard Amyrah heave a sigh. "Listen, I am not mad, okay?"

"Okay," I nod again.

"I'm serious. I am no longer angry. Come on, let's do something fun," She says excitedly.

"Okay," I nod again looking down. My lips twitch, but I keep my laugh at bay.

Now I was sure she's pissed as hell, but somehow calmed down.

"So, let's bake some brownies together, hm?" She questions.


"I am an expert in baking!" Amyrah grins.


"I dare you to say that word again," She angrily slams her hand in the table.

At first I was confused, so I shrugged and said, "Okay."

Amyrah jumped off the chair, yelling, "Leave me alone and get lost! Now!!!"

"Okay." I get up to leave, huffing. Why does she always yell!?

"Wait, don't go!" I heard her cry.

I looked back again. Um, huh?

"Why do you hate me so much!? I hate you!" She cries loudly.

Oh my god? I felt bad for her. Urgh. "Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?" I bend down in front of her.

"No," She sniffs. "You hate me?"

"Uh..." I looked at her bewildered. I was just pranking her with my okay. How come it turned out like this?

"See, you do," And then Amyrah began crying.

"No! No, love, why do you think I am calling you love? It's because I love you na?"

Amyrah nods. "Yeah, you love me!"

Um, what?


"Then take me to Aunt's house now! Please!"


"Ta-da!!!" Amyrah fists her hand up in the air. Yes. As you guessed, we are curently standing outside her aunt's house.

"I can't believe this!" I muttered. To which she shrugged and blinked at me innocently. This woman!

Once we reached the door, Amyrah couldn't stop giggling. Who knows why! I roll my eyes.

"I can't wait to hit Ammar!" She exclaims happily.

"You can't what!!!??" I looked at her, baffled. Hit Ammar!?

Just then the door opens.

"Oh my gosh, Amyrah?" Ammar looks at us shocked.

"Nah. Her clone, duh!" Amyrah says wrapping her hand around his neck, hugging him.

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