03. Don't leave me!

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~Be like the flower that give it's fragrance even to the hand that crushes it.


"Amyrah?" the ghost said.

"I guess she's sleeping, dad."


Not only the ghost, but his son too are haunting me.. Oh my Allah!

"Hey wake up, sleepyhead."


I opened my eyes and looked at him who was looking amusingly at me. I heard a sound of a door closing...

"Big brother, there is a ghost haunting me and you know he tried to poison me by.."

"Stupid, are you dreaming? If you are so sleepy just go sleep in your room."

"Urgh.. then who was it? He knows my name!"

"Dad..it was dad" he grunted.

Huh? "You mean uncle."

"Hm yeah.. da-- I mean..eh.. uncle."

I looked at him suspiciously. I live with my aunt, uncle and my brother. I never considered them as my parents, unlike Ammar who does, saying that they were the ones who looked after us when we were young, but I remember fairly that he never missed our parents, rather he just accepted aunt and uncle as his parents. I had asked him before and he had just shrugged. I mentally noted to ask him again, but right now all I need was sleep.

"Wait..did you clean and paint my room?"

"And why in the world would I do that huh? As if I am your servant," he muttered.

"I'll take that as a no." It must be the ghost, I sighed. Uh.. well hopefully it doesn't trouble me!

Amyrah! You really are stupid! There are no ghosts, duh. I shrugged, rolling my eyes.

I ran upstairs taking my phone and flopped into bed.

I switched ON the phone, but seemed like it didn't love me. Connect your charger. Sheesh my luck! My bed was the only one who had a soft spot for me. All I could do was sleep, my mind replaying many uneventful memories.


"Papa! where are we going? Are we going on a trip... yayy!!" The five-year old ran around the hall screaming with happiness. "Let's take big brother and Hashma too, please?" She looked innocently at her father.

"You are not going anywhere. I am going. Only me," the man muttered.

"But whyyy? I am coming with you, no matter what!" the stubborn girl said, her lips in a pout.

"Amyrah, listen carefully princess.. I will leave you here with your aunt, uncle, brother and Hashma. I have to go now, I may come back some day...till then you must do exactly what they say and be an obedient girl."

"What are you saying papa?"

"I have to go...I am leaving.."

"What? Why? Did I do anything wrong? Dont leave me, take me with you.. you promised you will always be with me. Please," the little girl said after a moment, while trying to absorb this sudden decision, her eyes tearing up.

"Don't believe in promises. Your mother promised but she left. I have to leave too. I.. I don't have a choice.. Amy..ra..h," his voice hard and breaking.

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