16. I hate you!

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~Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't have to do what everyone is doing.


Knock. knock.
The clock struck twelve
It runs against it's will
But the little boy's still
Sleepin' in his PJ's...

I opened my eyes slowly. As usual that stupid bell rings, that uncivilized grandfather clock! I got up abruptly and ran out of the room.

"Shut that stupid grandpa right this instant! How many times should I tell you? Mom!!"

I shouted and closed the door with a huge bang.

"Sweetie, don't scream at your grandpa like that!" mom screamed back.

"Seriously!! that's a clock, mom!!"


Today I had to attend Ammar's waleema. I hurriedly dressed when a voice called me.

"Hey, can you drop me?" my sister, Zehra asked.

"I can't, Don't disturb me."

She smiled sadly, nodding she left.

I felt bad, but not like I care.

I still blamed her for that time, when mom divorced dad, nine years back. Though mom was a very rich woman, dad had promised to pay for all our expenses. Mom didn't want this, so she filed a case against dad regarding child custody and cut all ties of relationship with him. She then married another guy, whom we had to accept as our father, according to her.

He tried to win our hearts many a time, but whenever I see him, he reminds me of my dad. How I wished I could be with him, it was all mom's fault. I hate her and her so called husband.

I've asked Zehra to leave mom so we could live with dad. After all dad was our hero. We were much closer to him than mom, but she refused, crying. Because she was still so very young at that time, it wasn't her fault entirely, but still! I always blamed her. That memory when he first entered our home was still etched to my brain, fresh and clear.


"Big brother, where's mamma? She hasn't arrived yet. It's almost midnight," the 9 year old girl asked.

"She'll come soon, Zehra. You must be tired, go and sleep," the 14 year old boy said.

At that moment the door opened and in came their mother along with another man.

"Hey kiddos, I am back."

The boy stood up from his seat and his sister ran to meet their mom whilst expecting the man to be their dad.

"Mom! Dad!"

The girl engulfed them, in pure happiness. It was the first time her mother looked happy and her dad right by her side. What else could she want? For her, it was a dream come true.

The man stiffened, their mother beamed.

"Zehra get away from that man! Who in the world is that, mom!? Where is dad!?" the boy shouted, grabbing his sister off the man's body.

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