09. Achieving goals

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~ Never measure your progress using someone else's ruler.


I ran to my room, panting and breathing heavily. She had seen me! She knew that I've been listening. I locked the door, and closed my eyes leaning against the hard wooden door. What are they planning? I wondered, but couldn't come up with a sensible explanation. I took my diary and started writing. The only solace in my pathetic life. With each word I wrote, my anger arose.


..... I really am such a fool. Pathetic! I should've known something like this was bound to happen. They never considered me their daughter, least of all their niece, maybe I am no one to uncle, but still I am their family, aren't I?

And what about Ammar then? He says that he's my brother.. but... then why do they not hate him? I've asked papa when I am young and he'd said that he indeed was my brother. They wouldn't lie, of course! Aunt is older than mama, but why did Ammar say otherwise? Must be he doesn't know, after all aunt never speaks about her family.

  Ammar is the only family I have. As long as he is here, I am sure they wouldn't do anything stupid... but he too knows what they are planning, he was there too. Is he also just a fake? I think they are planning to make me leave the house.. but they wouldn't, though. Because the talk of society is more important to them. What will people say?

Either way, I am strong, I don't need anyone but myself.

I am just an expense for them. And they accuse me for her death, my beloved sister..cousin sister. Blame! blame! blame!
But no worries my dear aunt
and uncle, wait and watch what
I do. I'll make sure you regret.

~ With hate, myself

After calming down a little, I opened my tab and started searching for a not-so-developed school where I might have a chance to get an entry.

After 3 hours of surfing, I applied for three schools and decided to choose the appropriate one. I know it wasn't a good idea, but I couldn't think straight as my eyes were too heavy and my hands almost stiff.


The first rays of sunlight lit up my room. The dawn chorus of melodic bird songs drifted in. The rising sun casted a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene.

I stretched my arms yawning, the events of yersterday flashing through my mind. I sat up abruptly, my head feeling dizzy. I quickly did my morning rituals and opened my tab hoping to find some good news. My lips stretched into a wide smile as I saw that all the three schools have replied.

"Miss Rasheed, we are sorry to say that Mishaque Girls' School is not willing to take unqualified teachers and so we reject your entry. Have a good day!"

Umm rude? geez.. hope they never find qualified teachers.

"Salam. Miss R. Our school is willing to take you as a Science teacher. So come today for the interview. Bye."

Uh.... is this even a school! And Science? No way! I silently prayed that the next one will be perfect for me.

"Salaam, miss. We are willing to accept you."

Uh... okay i didn't expect that. I mean ... duh! never mind..

I texted them asking when I can come for the interview. They replied right away with just a "today!" While I replied back, "Mm..sure."

And that was it! I am going get a job..wasn't it too easy?

I was nervous to go downstairs due to yersterday's events. 'Whatever, I am brave anyway'. With one flip of my hair I skipped through the stairs and made my way to the kitchen, not bothering the looks I am getting. Surprisingly aunt didn't utter a word. I murmured a prayer of gratitude to Allah.

My stomach grumbled as I hadn't eaten yersterday night either. I rubbed it and said, "Poor tummy, let me get you filled," while it started snickering loudly.

Once I've satisfied my tummy, I scrolled my phone and suddenly an idea popped up in my mind. I grinned like a fool and ran to my room, ringing Zehra on the way..

"Assalamu Alaikum Zehra!!"

"Uh..Amyrah? ..I ..am..sleep..ing,"

"Get up! I gotta say ya something.. quick girl! quick! this is an emergency!"

"Aaah! what happened???"

"Hehe.. nothing, but listen um.. when will you be going to your school? You said your brother or driver will be dropping you.."

"You ruined my sleep just to ask this?" she groaned.

"It's important.."

"Next week."

Oh no I can't stay too long, "How about going today?"

"What's wrong with you? School starts next week!"

I sighed and said in a small voice, "I gotta go to the interview today so I thought of going with you?"

"Hmm.. I know! I know! Let's all go today."


"I mean we all can come with you to the school. I mean Humaira, Bushra and me. We'll come like your bodyguards. It'll be cool! My driver might drop us.. I'll ask him."

And with that, it was decided.


I quickly changed into a dark blue abaya; with a light blue shawl wrapped and a small leather clutch, I looked presentable enough.

I neither told aunty nor Ammar where I will be going. I just said that my friends will be picking and dropping me so they needn't worry. Though they weren't convinced, I shrugged and shut the door in their face. Why do they care anyway?

A car stopped. I noticed that there were three grinning faces peeping through the window waving at me. And then a guy who I guess was in his early twenties came out of the car with a sly smile and opened the door bowing, gesturing me to get inside. Oh? Okay... now this is rare! He surely is charming, for a driver.

I muttered a thank you while he just kept smiling like he was assigned for this job. Shrugging, I sat on the comfy seat and then together the four of us started our journey. Laughing and speaking non stop, till we reached our destination.

"Mission Interview, here we come!"

"The Fabulous Four are on their way!"

I laughed.

"Hey don't forget me!" the driving guy said laughing along with us and winking...


I totally forgot that there was a male. Oh shoot!



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