36. Painful reality

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~ There's nothing wrong in putting your happiness first. It's simply called self-love.


I groggily yawned and stretched. Rubbing my eyes I saw a figure sitting on my bed. Am I dreaming?

"Aaaaaaah!" I yelled jumping out of the bed, "Help! Help!"

"Are you mad!?" Came the voice. Huh? I've heard the voice. "Child, it's me."

"Aunt!? Why did you want to scare me huh!?" I asked, annoyed that my sleep vanished. She just rolled her eyes.

"Hmph. I brought you breakfast," she said.

"What!?" I asked, eyes widening in shock.

"We should go to the doctor's to get your ears checked," came her reply.

"No. No... I mean, what the!? Like seriously!?" I said in disbelief. Why is she bringing me breakfast?

"Are you sick, child!?" She said baffled.

I then realized what had happened yersterday. How we'd fought. It was then it clicked. "You are trying to apply butter on me huh!?" I huffed.

She furrowed her brows. "I know you don't like butter, so I didn't apply it on the bread... wait, did you say apply butter on You? But why would I do that?"

Eh? Is she playing with me? "You're so dumb... I mean... just forget it."

"I'll tell you everything," she murmured suddenly.


"I'll explain about your parents and what happened to them," she explained.

I enthusiastically nodded, paying full attention to her.

She spoke, the words leaving her mouth in a slight whisper.

"When I was eighteen, I wanted to marry... a someone... who was my age, but my parents said that I was too young at that time. I didn't want to disappoint them so I thought of waiting for a few years. Meanwhile at that time your mother, Ishara had become too friendly with the same person I wanted to marry and later he asked my father Ishara's hand in marriage. That was how my sister, your mother, married the person I wanted to.

You know, your mother was always sick. She was not only a asthmatic patient, but also when she was twenty, she was tested for having leukaemia. My sister was my everything. I loved her alot. So I accepted her marriage with him wholeheartedly. After all, marriage isn't in our hands, it happens by the will of Allah.

I later got married to Hasheem. A lawyer. We were an ordinary couple. I had Ammar a year after. It was a period of blooming happiness.

Few years later, Ishara had wanted to hold her nikah sooner than planned. She was too weak, she was sick, I warned her, but she as always got what she wanted. Ammar was six when she was pregnant with you. The doctors had wanted to abort the child due to your mother being too weak, but it was too late. She learnt about her pregnancy after three months, so they agreed to have you.

I couldn't help her. All because of your father. Due to his family's problems, he took her away from the city, made her suffer all alone. She passed away after childbirth. From that day, I despised and blamed your father! And because of you and him, everything went wrong!"

She spoke with love, regret and hatred.

Is it really because of me my mom passed away? Because of me, I couldn't even call her mama. Hesitantly I looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

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