05. Love at first sight?

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~ If you wanna fly, give up everything that weighs you down.


"Urghhh..." I groaned.

The blaring of the small alarm clock jarred me out of my peaceful sleep. It sounded like a world war II air-raid siren and I jolted up, smashing the snooze button as hard as I possibly could.

The alarm clock was rude, so very, very rude. From the middle of the most wonderful dream, I was brought sharply into focus. After the initial anger passed, my frustrations at this clock who would never grant me the courtesy of an apology, I breathed long and slow, while glaring at the poor clock who was smashed on the floor.

It was 9'o clock. Geez.. no wonder they say time runs fast. I quickly had a shower, dressed and ran downstairs taking my precious phone with me.

"Shabnam, when will we be going to the shopping centre?" I heard uncle asking aunty. I listened standing on the last step of the stairs, because I love eavesdropping!

"Today, Farana and her family will be coming too."

Oh! I am going to meet them after so long.

"Mom, we'll be taking Amyrah too right? I think she needs to buy many stuff." I smiled hearing Ammar saying that.

I saw that aunty and uncle exchanged looks. Uncle rolled his eyes and glared at Ammar. "Come Ammar we are getting late," uncle motioned him to come and Ammar just sighed and left.

Huh! what was that about?

Well whatever! After all aunty has changed now, unlike before; back then she always used to taunt me for every single thing.

I went back upstairs quietly and wait for a moment before I start heading down the stairs again so that it wouldn't seem like I've been listening to whatever happened.

As I started descending the stairs, my foot kicked the other making me hurdle forward. I took a deep breathe in as I close my eyes and hear the thudding sound of...

A container falling.

I looked around. I wasn't falling, I've survived..phew. My aunt wasn't there either. I mentally shrugged.

I went into the kitchen and she looked at me for a moment and said, "Your cousins will be coming for lunch and afterwards we will be going shopping."

"Okay. I can help if you want.." I said. She looked at me blankly and left. Shrugging, I hungrily sliced a mangoe and quickly made a lassi.

I wasn't at all a food-lover, I'd rather drink juices, especially mango juice or lassi. My mouth watered just thinking of the sweet taste.

I started drinking it slowly, savouring the delicious taste and licking my lips whilst closing my eyes.

After which I went to my room. Switching on my phone I realized that Humaira, Bushra and Zehra have texted, unknowingly a small smile played in my lips. I texted back saying that I'll be calling them tonight.


I wore a black coloured pink flowery frock with a matching pink scarf. I knew I looked a bit girly, but I didn't care, I am a girl afterall.

I never cared much about my looks. 'If u think I am ugly, you better check your eyesight and that's your problem, not mine,' is my motto.

I heard a bell sound followed by many greetings and kids squealing. I stayed for a while longer and then made my way downstairs. There were practically twenty females, including the little children and zero males. I blinked. A party?

All the twenty heads turned my way, forty eyes stared at me while ten mouths lay open.

"Assalamu Alaikum," I greeted, nodding my head with a sweet smile at each of them.

"Walaikum salam." I heard almost all their greetings at once. Duh! I still kept on smiling, anyway they didn't know what was cocking up in my head.

"Masha Allah!"

"You're looking so beautiful."

"How much u've grown."

"The last time I saw you, you were a baby."

"Do you remember my son? You were his best friend."

"You must be 18 right, darling?"

I opened my mouth to reply , but was interrupted by another question. "Are you still studying?"

"What's your exam results?"

"My son is your age too.."

"You look just like your mom."

"Yeah.. she looks just like Ishara."

And then they gave me their weird sympathetic looks.

All I wished was to disappear into thin air. Sadly I couldn't. So I just smiled and smiled all the way till they left. After a load of goodbyes they bought a genuine smile to my face by leaving.

Just as they left, my brother and uncle arrived, followed by Farana aunty and her two daughters who were my age and her son who was my brother's age or maybe a year younger.

After greetings and hugs, Sarah and Ilmah (my cousins) came upto my room and kept on blabbering all the gossips that happened in the past four months. I almost forgot how much fun they were to be with.

And then we left to the shopping centre, laughing and giggling at mere stuffs.

We went to the girls' compartment while others went to check out jewellery and accessories.

Finding matching coloured frocks, shawls and shoes, the three of us enjoyed to the maximum.

My phone rings, and I went aside to answer it. Ammar?

"Yo! what's up?" I asked irritated.

"Come to the men's side," he said.

"Geez! Can't be bothered. You come over here," saying I cut the call. My cousins gave me questioning looks while I just shrugged.

"Hey, let's check out that dress!" saying so I dragged them with me. It was full lengthed dress; a light shade of blue with a high collar neck and a ribbon tied in the side of the waist.

I looked at it dreamily and sighed. How pretty! A real beauty.. this was love at first sight indeed!

"I'll get you no matter what. You are mine." I whispered to the dress, my hands caressing the beautiful silky frock, slowly and dreamily making my cousins look at me shocked and confused.



I know you all were expecting something else, according to the chapter name...sorry😂
*raises my hand in surrender!*

Anyway how was it?

You can imagine the above pic as Amyrah's dress.



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