Chapter 24: Mrs.Choi

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Yeonjun POV:
I have a couple of ghost friends at the graveyard that can fly us back. I could have just carried Beomgyu myself, but I can't fly in the daytime and he can't know my true identity. He might be scared of the ghosts and weirded out by me, but at least I can help him get back.

I and a worn out Beomgyu reach the graveyard, when Beomgyu recognizes someone
"Mrs.Choi! It's me, Beomgyu!" His face lights up, "What are you doing in Seoul?" Who is this?
"Oh! Hi Beomgyu! I just came to pay respects to my sister." Sister? Hmmm....
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." Beomgyu pulls back, embarrassed.
"Yeah, she died about 20 years ago in a car accident. We figured we'd bury here in our hometown."
Car accident? That ghost I met in the mountains, could this be her sister?
Beomgyu's eyes widen as if he's cracked a code, "Mrs.Choi, would you mind driving us back home? I know it's far, but we don't really have a ride."
"Of course! I'm actually leaving this evening, so you guys can come along with me, sure!"
Cool! Now I don't have to reveal myself at all. I should really find out if Soobin's mom is that ghost's sister...

We follow Mrs. Choi around Seoul until evening, Beomgyu surprisingly not distancing himself from me. In fact, he slips his hand under mine while we cross the street. He clings onto my arm, claiming it's "cold", but we both know it's a cap. Mrs.Choi doesn't say anything about us, but I've got the feeling she suspects something; every once in awhile, she'll turn around and eye our clinging to each other, smiling at the sight. Soobin's mom is drastically different than Beomgyu's family, I wonder if Soobin is able to be himself around her. I wish Beomgyu could do the same with his family....

Evening falls, and Mrs.Choi treats us to a meal at a noodle shop before we leave. I don't want to eat anything because I don't wanna throw up in her car or on Beomgyu! But she insists.
"C'mon, you're so skinny and pale! You should at least eat something!!"
I pick up my chopsticks at the urging head nod of Beomgyu. It won't be that bad, will it??
It is. In the car, I throw up all the noodles, some even onto Beomgyu's lap.
"Hyung!" He flings his hands, attempting to get the noodle bits off. "You just ruined my clothes and Mrs.Choi's car! God!" He looks at me, disgusted.
I did this for him, I put myself in pain for him, yet we both ended up suffering. Why am I like this???
"I'm sorry...I..." more noodles come up.
"Yeonjun, are you ok?" Mrs.Choi looks to the backseat. "Yeah..I just...sorry for ruining your car." I fidget with my hands awkwardly. She'll probably kick us out now, damn it Yeonjun!
Beomgyu looks out the window, arms crossed in irritation.
"Beomgyu, I'm sorry..." I reach out my hand to touch his shoulder. He flicks it away, still annoyed.
I give up, my hand gradually coming down. I decide to look out the window too. That's when I notice: it's raining. Fuck...
Beomgyu POV:
We cruise down the highway, rain pelting our car. I've always liked rain, the sound of it is so mesmerizing. I would be enjoying now, but the smell of Yeonjun's vomit overwhelms the car. I don't how he threw up that much, it's all over the floor and some even on pants. The most concerning part is that it's all tinted red, does this guy have a medical condition or something??!

I remember the day we met, when he coughed up all that blood. What causes him to expel all this blood?? I suddenly feel bad for him. Is this guy really ok?
I turn away from the window, looking him up and down. His face is unnaturally pale. At first I thought it was his skin tone, but the more I look at it, the more gray and lifeless it looks. His eyes are slightly bloodshot but look ok otherwise. His clothes are still ripped and tattered, I feel like he always wears the same outfit. Come to think about it, the only intact part about his appearance is his cloak.

He realizes I'm looking at him. "What?" He chuckles.
I quickly turn my eyes to the ground, embarrassed for studying him so extensively.
"Is it my handsome face?" He puts his hand up to his chin to display his face.
"Hyung!" I'm suddenly flustered. "...maybe..."
"Ohhh!" He laughs and ruffles my hair aggressively
"Hey! I said maybe!" I exclaim defensively
"Ok, ok sure...."
Mrs.Choi smiles at us in the mirror.
Yeonjun POV:
Finally, we arrive back home, the rain pouring. I apologize to Mrs.Choi a few times again.
"It's fine, it's fine. Just help me clean it up tomorrow."
"Of course." I bow, still apologizing. We bid her goodbye and walk to Beomgyu's house.
"It's really coming down out here, huh."
"Oh..yeah..." I try to stay concentrated, my face becoming uncontrollably itchy. I can't help it anymore, I scratch my face fanatically with both my hands, my skin throbbing with pain. I can't stop though, it's so itchy.
"Hyung, hyung! Are you ok??" Beomgyu yells over the thunder, concerned for me. "Omg, you're, you're bleeding!" He starts to panic
I look at my hands; they're painted in red blood from scratching so much. A vampire is never supposed to drink their own blood, it's too dangerous. But with the water pouring down and my blood trickling down my face, I fail as some of it reaches my mouth. Shit....
That's when I pass out.

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