Chapter 23: when I woke up

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Yeonjun POV:
July 22 1910, one month before complete Japanese control over Korea.

A humid, blistering summer day, the kind of day Taehyun and I hated. Some Japanese settlers had been sent to a village nearby to industrialize it. I was laying by a stream, unsuccessfully trying to get rid of some of the sweltering heat. Suddenly, I sense a young man arrive at the stream. He kneels down and splashes some water on himself to clean his face. That's when he notices me;
"Hey, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the factory!"
I sigh and sit up, eyeing his military uniform, "Aren't you supposed to be monitoring us at the factories? What are you doing here, huh?"
He stammers, trying to come up with an excuse, " least my country has factories!"
This makes me laugh, "That doesn't answer my question y'know."
"I was..ugh..." he gives up "Fine, I was skipping my post.... I'm tired of this job, nothing ever happens and I always get punished if I don't punish others. I miss Japan."
Despite being from completely different worlds, I start to feel a connection to him: nothing ever happens as a vampire, I die if I don't kill others, I miss my old life.
"C'mon. Follow me." I hold out a hand across the stream.
"You think I'm just gonna...woah!" I pull him to the other side. "What do you think you're doing?!!"
"I'm helping you escape. I know how it feels to be trapped, trapped in a life you know you weren't meant to live."
He looks into my eyes, trying to process what I'm saying, "But I can't just leave my job, I.."
"Even if it's just for today, you need to escape from your reality while you still can." I can never escape...
He looks behind him before nodding his head, "let's go."
I lead him into the forest, running until we reach the waterfall in the mountains.
"Where are we going? It's" he looks up. "A waterfall?? I didn't even know Korea had those!!"
"It's pretty isn't it?" I admire the beautiful nature of the waterfall, it's roaring downpour a sight for the ears.
"What's your name?" He ventures.
"I'm Yeonjun. And you are...?"
"Yuta. Nakamoto Yuta. I'm glad I met you Yeonjun."
"Me too." I grin.

I'm woken up by a distressed Beomgyu shaking me.
"Hyung, Hyung! We gotta check out."
"Hmm..." I groggle, my brain still hazy. Then I realize: "Did-did I just fall asleep??"
Beomgyu gives me a confused look, "Yeah...?"
"Huh." I sit up slowly and rub my eyes. Then I remember: Yuta...
A new waterfall emerges from my eyes, it's tears trickling down my cheeks.
"Hyung, what-what's wrong? Are you ok."
"Yes, I just..." I say in between sobs, "I just remembered something that I thought I had forgot, I..." my face becomes unbearably itchy, yet I can't stop the overflow of water leaving my eyes. Yuta...Yuta...
"Hyung, Hyung it's ok." Beomgyu squeezes my arm, "Remember what you said to me last night? Everything's gonna be alright." He wipes my tears away with his thumb. I'm snapped back to the present; Yuta is dead, but Beomgyu, Beomgyu is by my side. Just him being there calms me down.
"Everything is ok.." he whispers.
A hard knock on the door surprises us both.
"Ahh!" We grab onto each other.
"This is housekeeping, you're supposed to be out of here by now."
"Shit!" We say to each other. Beomgyu scrambles to grab his belongings scattered across the room and pulls me out of bed.
"Hey!" I shout disapprovingly, that bed was really comfortable!
"We gotta go!" He drags me to the door where we're greeted by an impatient maid. "Are you done now?" She ask in a monotone.
"Yes, I'm sorry, we-we're sorry!" Beomgyu gives a quick bow and we head out of the hotel.

The sky is overcast today, so it's not too uncomfortable to walk in broad daylight. I still have my cloak on, just to be safe.
Beomgyu stops in the middle of sidewalk, defeated "Hyung, how are we gonna get home now??"
"Don't worry, I have a plan." I actually don't, but I will have a plan.
Beomgyu POV:
What was Yeonjun crying about? Did he have a bad dream? Did he remember something from North Korea? I wish I could help him with whatever it is, I wish I could somehow relieve his pain.

I don't think Yeonjun actually has any idea on how we're gonna get home; we've been wandering around Seoul for the past half hour.
"Hyung, do you actually have a plan on how to get back?" I ask impatiently.
"Well, uh...the thing is..." he scratches his head, trying to come up with something to say, ""
"Why did you say you had a plan then?! If I don't get back by tonight, my dad will get suspicious, and he'll call my brother, and then he'll..." I stop. I don't want to think about that right now. "Hyung, what am I gonna do? We can't rent a car, I can't drive. We can't take the bus, because it doesn't go farther than the neighborhoods outside of Seoul. What are we gonna do?" I walk in circles, trying to think of a solution.
Yeonjun puts his hand to his chin, deep in thought.
"There is something, but I don't know how you'll react to it."
I'm so desperate at this point that I don't care how bad it is, I just need to get home, "What is it?"
"We need to go to the graveyard."
"The graveyard??" I look at him in disbelief. He can't be serious, how is the graveyard gonna help?? "How will that help at all??"
"Look, you're gonna think this is weird, but I have some friends that can help us out there."
Friends? What is that supposed to mean, the groundskeeper or something?
I shake my head, exhausted from the weekend I've had so far, "Why not? Let's try the graveyard."

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