Chapter 14: Wait, vampires?

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Yeonjun POV:
"Chaeryoung, before you leave, is Beomgyu ok?"
"Yeah, as far as I know. Why? Did something happen?"
"He said he would hang out with me 3 days ago and hasn't come to the woods once."
she pauses to think a moment, "That is a bit strange. Now that I think about it, he hasn't really texted in the group chat in the past couple days. I though maybe something happened at home again, but if he hasn't been contacting you either..."
my mind starts racing. What could have happened to him? Why isn't he talking to anyone?? I hope he's ok!
Chaeryoung notices my distress and grabs my wrist.
"Yeonjun-ssi, I'm sure he's fine. Here, I'll call him right now." She types something into her phone and it starts ringing.
Bbbrrring, Bbbrrring.
"Hey, this is Beomgyu! can't come to the phone right now, leave a message."
"He answered! What's going on, why can't he answer??" 
Chaeryoung laughs a bit, "That's just the answering machine." She notices our confusion "It's like a recorded message for people who call you."
"Huh" Taehyun and I have really missed out on a lot...
"Hyung, I'm sure he's just sleeping, I mean think about how late at night....."
"I don't know, something seems off..."
We turn to Chaeryoung, "This isn't like him, he always answers his calls..."
"Taehyun! We gotta go check on him!!"
"Hyung, we already came all the way here just to get cloaks so we could find Beomgyu. Don't you think this is a bit much?? I mean, he can fend for himself, can't he??"
I try to look at it from his perspective: I dragged him all the way across the country, and we didn't even finish our journey. Now that I think about it, he must be really exhausted, huh. Why did I put Taehyun through all this??  Through all this stuff just because of some boy I met a couple weeks ago??
And that's when I remember: because it's Beomgyu. Because without Beomgyu, I am nothing but a pile of bones. Without Beomgyu, I'll become feral. Without Beomgyu, I think I might die.
But at the same time, I need to think about Taehyun's feelings too; he shouldn't have to be dragged along on my emotional roller coaster.
"Taehyun, I'm sorry I'm such an emotional mess. It's just, I need him, I crave him, almost the same as I crave blood. It's like I've been bitten, bitten by Beomgyu with a thirst for his love."
"Oooooh!" Chaeryoung exclaims
" didn't need to get all lovey-dovey." He makes a fake throw up face, "Anyways, I appreciate your apology. Now can we just get the cloaks and go home??"
"Of course." I put my arm around his shoulder
"Thanks for your help Chaeryoung, we'll see you later?"
"Yeah! Good luck on your trip!"
"I hope things get better with your dad Chaeryoung-ssi."
"Thanks Taehyun-ssi."
And with that we fly off.

Chung Ha's house is a lot closer than we imagined, we manage to make it there by sunrise.
"Does she even remember you? Will she still give us cloaks??"
"Yes Taehyun," I say, slightly annoyed. I saved Chung Ha from getting hung when she was arrested for witchcraft, how could she forget that??
We walk into the small hovel, supported by two tall trees.
"Chung Ha-Nuna~ can we ask you a favor??"
"Yeonjun! Taehyun! How've you been??"
"Ehh, ok." I shrug
"Yeonjun here found himself a boyfriend."
"Really??" She says intrigued.
"What?! It's true!"
I roll my eyes, "It's true. I've fallen in love."
"Oh, Yeonjun, darling, please don't tell me he's a human! You know how that turns out!"
What's that supposed to mean??
Sensing the friction in the room, she changes the subject, "Anyways, I know you didn't come all this way just to chat with ol'Chung Ha! What do you need me to do...oh my!"
"What?" Taehyun and I look around, confused
"You've been given a witch's mark!"
A witch's mark??
"What's that??" We ask, confused.
She takes a deep breath, "A witch's mark marks a witch, right? Sometimes its essence can wear off on people; vampires are especially susceptible to it because you're already dead."
"So what does it mean? What's gonna happen to us??"
"Well, luckily because you're vampires, it won't do anything. I wouldn't be surprised if this was done by accident, a lot of young witches haven't learned how to contain it."
I'm suddenly curious,
"What would happen if we were humans??"
" depends on how strong the essence of the witch is and how long they've been unknowingly hiding it. You see, as a witch, if you don't use your powers, they just kinda exude out of you. If you were a human that got marked, well, it could be anything from immobilization to death."
"Huh." Taehyun puts his hand to his chin in thought, "Is there anyway you can tell which witch the mark came from?"
"Yeah, but why do you want to know??" She seems confused suddenly
"I think I know who marked us, and I think I know why Beomgyu hasn't contacted anyone..."
Who is he talking about?? We don't know any witches except Chung Ha...who could it be???
"Let me get my stuff." She plops down a crystal ball and starts running here hands over it with her eyes closed.
"Give me your hands." She grabs our hands in hers. Suddenly, her eyes open, wide. "I've discovered who it is, do you by any chance know anyone named Lee Chaeryoung??"
I gasp. Chaeryoung? No way!!
Taehyun seems unmoved
"Taehyun, why aren't you surprised?! This is Chaeryoung we're talking about!!"
"I told you, I had an idea of who it was. While you were busy goofing off with Beomgyu at her house, I happened to notice a lot of suspicious things that most humans wouldn't have. I brushed it off at first, but the more and more I thought about it, it made sense."
"What made sense?? None of this makes sense!!"
"Didn't you notice all the herbs in her house?? She literally had a dead lizard hanging on her wall."
Huh. That does seem vaguely familiar...
"Also, how could she recognize us in the middle of the night in the woods? She beat an entire group of men up in the woods, literally all she had was garlic.
She dragged both of us, and ran all the way to town with the guys so far away that even I could barely see them. I mean, no human could do that! And Beomgyu's been uncontactable for days, it all adds up!"
"So now what?? How can we reverse the witch's mark on Beomgyu??"
"Chaeryoung has to realize that she's a witch. Once she does that, she can reverse it, well if Beomgyu's still alive."
my jaw drops. Still alive?? Oh shit!!! Not Beomgyu!!

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