Chapter 7: Terry

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Yeonjun POV:
"Taehyun, I've reached stage 6."
He drops the book he was reading in shock ,
"No way."
"Mhm, I can only smell blood and humans."
"Well, shit. Have you found a passion yet?"
"Yes..." I hesitate, he's gonna scold me for hanging out with humans again....
"So? What's your passion?"
Taehyun groans in dissatisfaction, "Really? You've been hanging out with humans again?"
"Yes, I have!" I say defensively, "And Beomgyu is my passion!" I can see the disgust in his face.
"So your passion is one singular human. I thought you would find something more normal! Take me for example, I paint on trees with cow blood!"
"Taehyun, how is that in any way normal?"
"Ok, fine, fine, it is a little strange. But isn't your passion even stranger? I mean, this is just what, one human? What happens when he dies? What are you gonna do then? How is he different then those, those flings you've had before?"
A sudden anger bubbles up inside of me. How could he talk about them like that?! I lost a part of my heart when Yeji and Yuta died, I loved them with all I had, and now Taehyun is just, just tossing their names away!
I grab Taehyun by the neck and pull him up into the air.
"If you ever talk about them like that again, you'll regret ever meeting me."
"Let-let me go! It hurts Yeonjun! Please! Stop!"
I realize what I've done. My hand slowly opens and Taehyun falls to the ground, coughing.
"Taehyun, I, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. This will never happen again."
What was I thinking? Why did I strangle Taehyun?
"No, *cough* I, I deserved it....I...."
"Taehyun, no...."
"No, I need to stop judging your choices, you are your own person after all. I was just trying to look out for you, but you're definitely old enough to make your own decisions. I'll, I'll try to be less prying and focus on my own life."
I pull him into a hug, and pat him on the back. He squeezes me back hard, sometimes I forget that he needs me as much as I need him.
"Taehyun, you know, you're like a little brother to me. I know you feel like you're mature and that you have to look out for both of us, but just remember that I'm looking out for you too, I'll always be your Hyung."
"Thanks, Hyung." He breaks away and looks into my eyes meaningfully. "Hyung, I, I think I'm ready to meet with humans again."
"Really?!" I was not expecting that!
"Yeah, yeah, I wanna see why you're hanging out with them. I mean, what's so great about them? I wanna know."
"It's not really something describable, just, when you hang out with them, you can see the life sparkling in them, all the opportunities they still have in their life. It's inspiring, really." I look up to the sky in pride. Maybe I can learn to live more carefree, like Beomgyu and his friends.
"Now, before you get all excited hyung, I'm not going in this form."
"What do you mean? Are you going as a bat?" How am I supposed to introduce him as a bat?
"No, no..." he chuckles "I'll go as your dog. I don't really know how to interact with humans, so I'd feel more comfortable as a dog."
"Ok then." I shrug. I'm just happy he's going out there in the world, there's so much that even I haven't seen. 
We wait until Beomgyu comes to the woods again. But instead of the Beomgyu we were expecting, it's actually his friend Chaeryoung
"Hey, is that you Yeonjun-ssi? How've you been? I just came to get some scenery for this painting I'm working on."
Taehyun has transformed into a dog by now. He sneaks out of the trees into the shaded spot I'm standing in.
"Who is this?" He asks me by barking.
"Hey little guy!" Chaeryoung waves "what's his name?"
"Terry, this is Chaeryoung-ssi, Chaeryoung, this is Terry!"
"Hi Terry! Can I pet him?"
"Mhm." I gesture my hand towards Taehyun.
Taehyun wags his tail as Chaeryoung rubs his back.
"I think I'll have to add Terry into my painting, he's just so cute!"
"She likes painting too?"
"Yeah,  Terry!" I ruffle his hair.
"Why does he bark so much? Is he scared of me?"
"Nononono, he's just really talkative."
"Hmm. Well, I'm gonna get started on my painting then!" She smiles at Taehyun. He walks up to her and sits down to watch her paint. "She's really good at painting Yeonjun, come look!"
"I think Terry wants me to see your painting."
"Oh! Well, it's not done yet, but..." she flips the painting over to me, revealing a beautiful sunset and the beginning of a tree in the front.
"Wow! That's really good! How long have you been painting?"
"Hmmm." She puts her finger on her chin in thought. "Maybe since I was 3 or 4? I'm not sure, but for as long as I can remember, I've been painting."
"That's cool! I wish I could paint like her!"
"I think Terry likes your painting."
"He does? Awww. Maybe Terry and I could become painting buddies!"
Taehyun wags his tail even more.
Soon the sun sets, and Chaeryoung packs up her brushes. "Well guys, I think I'm gonna head home, it's getting dark. Bye!"
"Bye Chaeryoung! Take care!"
Just as she's about to leave, I see Beomgyu coming from the distance.
"Beomgyu-ssi! What's up?"
"Beomgyu-ssi, what are you doing here?"
"Oh! Hi Chaeryoung! I was just gonna ask Yeonjun-Hyung if he wanted to hang out. Do you wanna come too?"
"Sure! Are you busy though, Yeonjun-ssi?"
"No! No, not at all!"
"So this must be the Beomgyu you were talking about, huh."
"I didn't know you had a dog, Yeonjun-hyung!"
"Yeah, this is Terry, I found him in the woods."
Taehyun growls. "What? It's true!"
"I would say we could go to my house, but my mom's probably there, so we can't really go there." What's wrong with his mom? Why can he go to his own house to hang out?
"We could go to my house if you want! My sister's bed time is soon though, so we'd have to be quiet."
"Are you sure? Thank you Chaeryoung!"
Taehyun and I walk next to Beomgyu as Chaeryoung leads the way.
"Thanks for coming tonight. We should hangout more often!"
"Yeah! Sorry I don't have a phone to call you, I just..."
"Nono, it's fine. I live nearby so I can just come find you in the woods. It's more fun that way anyways." Beomgyu hesitantly puts his arm around my shoulder as we continue to walk in the darkness that I am overly used to now.
"Ugh, young lovers, gross! Tsk, tsk." Taehyun barks, obviously disgusted.
"Shut up Terry, we're having a moment here." I turn to Beomgyu to see that he's smiling at the ground. How can someone's entire existence be so radiant?

When we were young ||Yeongyu Vampire||Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα