Chapter 16: undeserving

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Beomgyu POV:
While my dad checks me out of the hospital the next day, I encounter an unexpected visitor:
"Beomgyu! Beomgyu are you ok?" Yeonjun comes running through the doors in a long, black cloak, patting me down to see if I'm still hurt.
"Yeah, I'm good, but what are you wearing?? Is that a cloak??" That's so weird that he's wearing a cloak wtf??
"Uhhh...." he pauses, when my dad interrupts, "Son, who's this?? Why are you patt'n down my son??"
"Oh! I'm Yeonjun, Beomgyu's boy- I mean, Beomgyu's friend." I stare Yeonjun, trying to warn him of my father. He awkwardly pulls his hand back from an attempted handshake. My father stands there, coldly staring at Yeonjun. "I didn't know you hung out with f*ggots son, what's this dude wearing? A cloak??" He laughs as if it's the most hilarious thing.
"Dad!!" I hate my dad so much sometimes, how could he call Yeonjun the f-word???
Yeonjun's fists clench up, he seems to be holding back from beating up my father. He takes a deep breath and attempts to remain composed, "Sir, this is just what I wear during the fall, it has nothing to do with my sexuality."
"Huh." My dad seems confused "So you're not gay?"
Yeonjun bites his lip, his eyes in a death stare to the ground in order to avoid eye contact with my father. He abruptly turns his head to face my father, "Why do you care about who I'm attracted to. Worry about yourself."
"How dare you talk to me like that! You....!"He attempts to slap Yeonjun, but before he can, I push him out of the way and take the blow myself.
"Son! I'm trying to teach your friend a lesson, why'd you come between us."
"Dad, stop!" My voice rises "Stop, dad! This is becoming embarrassing, why is the answer to everything violence for you!"
By now the nurses have noticed that something is going on, "Is everything ok here??"
"Yes ma'am. Me and my son were just leaving." He forcefully grabs my wrist and starts to head out the door, when Taehyun stops him in his tracks.
"Get out of the way! Can't you see I'm in a rush?!"
Taehyun doesn't even make eye contact with him, "Ma'am, this guy just attempted to slap my brother and slapped his son instead. I'd like to press charges."
"What??? This boy is crazy, he's lying!"
"Let me check the camera footage...." as she goes behind the desk, my dad runs out the door. Or, at least he tries. Yeonjun and Taehyun grab onto his sleeve, keeping him stuck inside.
"Let me go!!"
"Not until you let Beomgyu go"
"Sir, the footage does show you slapping your son, I'm gonna need to ask you some questions."
My father finally gives up. The nurse brings out a clip board and asks him various questions, in which he somehow evades a direct answer to each. In the end, nothing happens to my father, and I'm forced to go back home anyways. This means that I'm stuck alone with my father again, which I'm unsure how I feel about: will he act how he did when I was in the hospital? Or will he revert back to his anger from before?

He ends up being his stiff self I met in the hospital. Few words are spoken between us as we eat the McDonald's he bought. My mother is still out somewhere, presumably for drinks or hanging out with Minjae. After I finish my Big Mac, my father decides to take a nap to charge up for his usual night shift.As I'm cleaning up, I notice something in the bushes. At first, it looks like Taehyun, but when I take a second look, it's just Terry, Yeonjun's dog. The sun is starting to set, that's why I thought I saw Taehyun, right?? It really seemed like it was him though......
Suddenly my phone rings: it's Huening Kai
"Beomgyu-ssi~~~ we heard you got out of the hospital! I hope you're feeling better!!Come hang out with us!!"
I look at my dad on the couch, he won't mind if I leave, right??
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I can come, I'll be there in 15 mins."
"Ok, see you there~~"

Before going to Huening's apartment, there's something I need to do first. Something that I'm not sure how to do. I reach the woods and call for Yeonjun.
"Yeonjun-hyung!! Yeonjun-Hyung!! Where is he??"
He probably hates me now, since my father went off about him back at the hospital.
"Beomgyu, is that you?" An excited Yeonjun greets me.
"Yeonjun-Hyung! I..." I hesitate. I'm unsure how to start
"Beomgyu, it's ok, you can tell me anything." He rubs my shoulder with his cold hand.
"I-I just wanted to apologize for my father today. He can become kind of a dick sometimes."
"Oh. You don't have to apologize, Beomgyu."
"What? But..."
he puts his finger to my mouth to shush me.
"Stop, you're your own person, you don't have to apologize for your father, he should worry about himself."
His words feel like a warm hug, embracing me in a way that is unknown to me, a certain comfort that I've never felt until I met him.
"It makes sense know though." Yeonjun looks to the ground in thought.
"What?" What makes sense??
"Why you're so afraid to be my boyfriend. Your father is where you fear came from."
"Hyung, I..." I'm struck by his sudden mention of our relationship. I've avoided liking him for so long, and don't know how I can continue. His eyes reach my lips, and he slowly encroaches upon me, his arms around my shoulders. His lips meet mine, and I'm pulled into a slow, moist kiss, his tongue sliding between my teeth as his hands run up my back. Whatever this feeling is, I don't want it to stop....

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