Chapter 5: find me in the woods

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Yeonjun POV:
"So you told him you were from North Korea?! Bruh....."
"Hey! I had to come up with something on the spot, ok? What else was I supposed to say? "I'm a bloodsucking, centuries old vampire"?" I know he's just looking out for me, but Taehyun can be so judgmental sometimes.
"Why are you even hanging out with humans? They're so annoying and needy with their societal norms, and their unnecessary fighting, and...."
"How would you know, Taehyun? You haven't hung out with humans in the past 200 years! It's like you said before, it's time to move on. People are different now!"
Taehyun sighs deeply before continuing his rant.
"Humans never change, Yeonjun-hyung. There might be slight variations within generations, but they will always have the same hate and ignorance within, always. So yes, people are different now, but their hearts will never change."
I pause to think: he does have a point, humans always seem to resort to the destruction of each other. But I just can't bring myself see Beomgyu and his friends to be that way. They must be different than that, they have to be, right?
"I suppose you're right, Taehyun."
"Like always." He does a fake hair flip.
"But that's not gonna stop me from hanging out with Beomgyu and his friends." I remember the day that Beomgyu saved me from the sun. He is different, he saved my life despite not knowing me at all.
Taehyun snaps me out of my thoughts,
"Ok. But don't say I didn't warn you. You're just gonna end up hurt."
"Yeah yeah...."
Beomgyu POV:
My mundane life continues as the school week starts again. My friends are the only ones to light it up.
"Mmm. Yeah?"
"Where did you meet that dude from North Korea?"
I nearly choke on my food. "Uhhhh...."
"C'mon, it's not like he fell out of the sky, where did you meet him?"
"Yeah, you can tell us...." Huening says suggestively.
"'s not that big of a deal! I found him by the woods by that new apartment building."
"Hmmm.... maybe he's squatting there? I'm pretty sure part of that apartment building is already finished, so he could be living there." Chaeryoung says with a shrug.
"Huh" I recall the immense pain and yelling Yeonjun had when coming out of the woods. Did he get kicked out?? Did something collapse?? I hope he's ok.
"Hey, Beomgyu!" Soobin snaps his fingers in front of my face, "Are you ok? You zoned out for a second. Are you stressed about something?"
"What happened?"
I explain to them the details of finding Yeonjun burning in the sun.
"Huh. That's really strange, you said you were by the woods at twilight, right?"
"So how did he get so sunburned then? Does he have a skin condition or something?"
"Hmmm. Maybe. Or he could just be a vampire!"
"Chaeryoung, vampires aren't real!"
"I know, I know, but what other explanation is there? He gets severely burned in the sun, he only seems to be available to hang out at night, and he always seem to be on the run, I'm telling you, he could be a vampire!"
We all chuckle a bit. A vampire! What a silly explanation....
The rest of the day goes on as usual, math, then history, and finally art class. I decide to give the clay pot I made to my dad, since his birthday is today. Chaeryoung and I have our normal after-school conversation, and I walk home.
I hum a song to myself on the way to my house, I can't wait to see my dad's reaction to the pottery I made. I just know he's gonna like it. But before I can give him the pot, I'm met with another argument between my parents, this time with my mom's supposed man-whore Minjae.
"What is HE doing here?!!! I thought I told you to stop seeing this excuse for a man! Get out my house!!!"
"Stop honey! Don't listen to him Minjae, stay here with me!!"
Minjae has a burst of anger and slaps my father, hard. His face turned, he notices me at the doorway. I shrink back, afraid to be caught up in his anger again.
"What are you looking at?!!! Go back to your room!!"
I desperately hold the clay pot out to him, in an attempt to stop the scene in front of me.
"But, dad, I made you this...."
"Did I tell you to make this?!! No, I told you to go to your room!!!!" He grabs the pot and throws it to the ground in a fit of rage, it's pieces shattering everywhere. All of my hard work, just gone. I thought he would appreciate it, I made it for him....
"Stop standing there, crying like a girl, and go to to your room, NOW."
I don't. I've had enough of my parents bullshit. I run out the door in a frenzy, to escape this drama I'm met with everyday. The only though in my mind is to run, run far far away from my parents. I end up at the woods again. I trip over a branch, twisting my ankle. Tired, emotionally and physically, I fall down and cry. Why does it have to be like this? Why can't my parents give a single fuck about me?!
In my despair, a hand reaches out. It's Yeonjun.
I grab on and he pulls me into a hug.
"Shhh...shhh... it's ok. You're ok." I feel his cold breath on my shoulder as he embraces me in his arms. After a while, I break away and wipe my tears.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's ok, you don't have to." He pulls me in again, this time patting my back.
"Sometimes I find that words are too little to express the deep feelings we have in this life."
I nod my head in agreement.
"But that's ok, because some things don't need to be explained, they're just felt. For better or for worse, emotions are stronger than thoughts. But I know that you are stronger than your emotions."
I break away and smile at him and his comforting words.
"I'll always be there for you, remember that, Beomgyu."

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