Chapter 32: Yeonjun leaves Taehyun

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*Trigger warning: self-harm & suicide*
Yeonjun POV:
It's been weeks since I've seen Beomgyu. I've tried to go to his house, but apparently he moved recently, probably because of me. My life, shortly filled with his warm embrace, has now become emptied, with nothing left but a dull expression on my face.  Taehyun's tried to cheer me up; showing me painting, hunting, he even tried to show me kissing. Of course I resisted the latter; my lips are reserved for someone who will never return.....
"Hyung, c'mon, just try it! I know you've never eaten a live bird before." He pushes a struggling pigeon into my hands.
"I don't want it...." I murmur, letting the bird go.
"Hyung! Do you know how long it took me to find...."
"I don't care about your stupid birds Taehyun! Just leave me alone...." I turn around, knees clenched to my chest.
"I was only trying to help...."
"And how would you know what I'm going through right now, huh?? You've never experienced the pain I'm in right now! Just...go away!"
He sighs, "You're right, I've never gone through a break-up. But I do know what it's like to lose someone...." he trails off.
I turn to him, suddenly feeling guilty. "Taehyun, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...."
"It's ok. You know, I should really just follow my own advice, it's not like my mom is just suddenly gonna come back to life."
I clasp his hand in his lap, "If everyone's gonna leave us, let's at least not leave each other."
"Promise?" He stares into my eyes, holding out his pinky finger.
"Promise." I complete his pinky with my own.
This would soon prove to be difficult.

It was only a couple days until Beomgyu's absence really started to kick in; I was becoming feral.
"Taehyun, I can't take it anymore, please just stab me!!" I scream out, my mind becoming more and more distorted.
"Hyung, you know I can't do that! How could I do that to you? To my brother?!!" Taehyun's voice quivers. "Come out of it! This isn't you."
I feel myself losing more and more control of my body. With a shaky hand, I grab a fallen piece of bark.
"Hyung, please don't do this," he begs
"I'm sorry Taehyun." I drive the wood into my chest, a small groan my final words. My body slowly disintegrates as I watch in pain. Soon I'm nothing but dust, my consciousness gone forever.
Taehyun POV:
"Hyung! No no no no, this can't be happening...." I sift through the pile of gray ashes in disbelief.
"Hyung...." how could he leave me, just like that?!!! I try to lie to myself, just as I did all those times for Yeonjun's sake. But it doesn't work. No matter how much I try to convince myself, the truth stays the same; Yeonjun is dead, and it's all my fault.

Through the ashes, I find the bracelet that I stole with Yeonjun. He wanted me to go with him so bad. Why did I argue with him so much? Yet, in this moment, even an argument would be welcomed, anything just to have him back. I slide the bracelet on and wipe off my tears. I'm all by myself again. how will I survive? I'm so used to having him by my side. There's only one person who I can lean on in this moment: Chaeryoung.

I stagger to her house, attempting to lift myself up from the turmoil I feel right now. She soon answers the door after I slowly knock a few times.
"Taehyun-ssi, what's up?" She looks around, a bit confused, "Where's Yeonjun?"
I'm unable to respond, the question further setting my world off balance.
" everything ok?" She asks, concerned.
"No, it's not, Yeonjun's gone and he's not coming back!" I blurt out.
"oh, Taehyun-ssi....."
She puts her arm around my shoulder and leads me inside. "What happened?"
I explain to her how he killed himself, his body turned to dust. She clutches me, rubbing my arm in an attempt to console me.
After I calm down a bit, she clears her voice, "Do you have a photograph of him?"
The question throws me off guard, "No, he's a vampire, you can't take a photo of him, especially not now since he's........"
She interrupts the growing silence, "Do you have any of his possessions?"
"...yes..." I fumble with his bracelet.
"Taehyun-ssi, I might be able to help you."
My eyes widen, "You don't mean...."
"I might be able to revive Yeonjun with his bracelet."
"Well, I don't know if it will work....."
"Please, I'll do anything!"
"Ok, follow me."
She leads me into the basement, all her potions, tools, and books scattered across the room.
She moves around the room, gathering all the items she needs. "I think that's everything. Do you have something of his?"
"Here." I hand her the bracelet. As if it's a foreign object never seen before, she examines it for a short while before dropping it in a green liquid.
"That's the last thing I have of him, be careful with it!"
Almost annoyed, she turns to me, "I know what I'm doing, ok?"
After a few minutes of soaking, she pulls the bracelet out, slightly unsatisfied.
"So can he be brought back to life??"
"Hmmm.....I'm not sure..this bracelet doesn't seem to be enough...." she pauses for a moment, a spark of realization reaches her face.
"I think we can do it if we have Beomgyu here."
"How so?"
"You see, there's a theory that if 2 people truly loved each other, even for a short time, their souls will become intertwined."
"But Yeonjun didn't have a soul, no vampires do."
"That's true, it's never been tested with vampires before....."
"Let's at least try it." I reason, "Even if it doesn't work, we have to try everything! The only problem now, I suppose, is finding Beomgyu..."
"Finding Beomgyu? I know exactly where he is!"
"What?!! Why didn't you tell me? This whole thing could have been avoided!"
"I'll explain later, we only have 21 more hours to revive Yeonjun, and we can't do it in the daytime!"
"Fine, where's Beomgyu?"
"In Seoul."

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