Chapter 19: party time

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Yeonjun POV:
Is Beomgyu embarrassed of me?? Is that why he doesn't want anyone to know?? I ponder over the thought until I realize: his father. He doesn't want his father to find out. I suddenly feel guilty for exposing him to those girls.
"Beomgyu, I'm sorry, I should have been more thoughtful of your situation."
"It's ok Hyung, I just. If my dad found out..."
"I know, I know, he won't, don't worry." I rub his back to comfort him but he pushes me off, "Hyung! We can't! Not in public!"
I was just rubbing his back, why can't I do that??
My feelings hurt, I walk away from Beomgyu to another room.
"Hyung, wait! I didn't mean it like that..."
That's when I find Taehyun again, engaging in something I'd never think he'd do: spin the bottle
"Wooooooo! Who's it gonna land on???"
It lands on Taehyun. Oh boy...
"Alright, rich kid, let's see who you're gonna smoochy-smoochy with!"
Taehyun, why are you playing this game?? I thought you hated romance!
The bottle spins around in a circle, landing on none other than Chaeryoung. What??
"Oooooh!" The crowd coos.
The two awkwardly shuffle to the middle, and Taehyun grabs Chaeryoung into a passionate kiss as the crowd cheers. He finally breaks away and their eyes meet, a grin forming on both of their faces.
What the fuck?! Taehyun kissing Chaeryoung?!
I blink a few times to make sure this is real; it is.
Just as I'm processing this new information, Beomgyu walks up behind me, "Hyung, we need to talk."
Beomgyu POV:
I grab Yeonjun's hand and lead him upstairs.
"Beomgyu, where are we..."
"Shushhhh. Just follow me." I open up the door to an empty room and pull Yeonjun inside.
"Woooo, Beomgyu's getting freaky~~"
"No!" That's,  I wasn't trying to send that kind of message!!
"Well then why did you bring me into an empty room at a party, huh?"
"Yeonjun-Hyung, it's not that kind of meeting! We need to talk about our relationship."
"Hmm. I agree. What are we?"
I'm unsure how to respond, I mean are we dating? Or not? Will he be someone I grasp onto and hold for the rest of my life? Or will I let him go one day, like a leaf in the wind, never to be seen again. I don't want to be hurt like that when he's gone, because who would stay with me?
"Beomgyu, whatever it is, just tell me, please. I need to know what our relationship is."
"Hyung," I finally speak up.
"Yes?" He says, moving his eyes left and right my face, awaiting my answer.
"Hyung, you said you'd never leave me, right?" My eyes meet his.
"Never, I'll never leave you Beomgyu." He grabs onto my shoulders, "I'd die before I lose you Beomgyu."
"Then, then..." I can't seem to get my words out, "then, will you be my boyfriend?" I manage to get out.
"Yes! Yes!" He hugs me out of joy, "I'll be here for you always, whenever you need me Beomgyu."
I slowly put my arms around him and hug him back. We squeeze each other for a second and let go.
"I'm, I'm sorry about before when I pushed you off," I start feel a little guilty, "We just need to be careful, because who knows what my dad would do to you, to us, if he found out."
He puts his hands on his hips, looking to the ground in thought. He starts to say something, but stops.
"Beomgyu," he eventually says, "no matter what your father does, I'll protect you. I won't let him hurt you, ok?"
"Hyung," I feel a deep pain in my chest, "I'm used to him hurting me, it's you I'm worried about. Don't you remember how he was at the hospital?"
"Yes, and he slapped you because of me. I won't let that happen again Beomgyu, I won't let him take advantage of you like that again. Because you deserve more than that, Beomgyu. You deserve the world and more."
"Yeonjun-hyung, I..."
That's when the door opens, and a drunk couple pushes us aside to use the bed.
"God, let's get out of here Beomgyu."
It's his turn to lead me out the room. We head back to the party downstairs.
"Hyung, hyung! I love this song, c'mon let's dance!!"
I take his hand and show him the moves
"Put your foot over here, and your arm out."
"Like this?" He stands in an stiff, awkward position
"No,no,no" I chuckle a bit "Like this," I move his arm a bit "Then you go back and forth, like this. Try it!"
We move back and forth, dancing to the rhythm. We bump into each other and fall to the ground. Laughing at our clumsiness, Yeonjun reaches out a hand, and lifts me up into a twirl just as the song ends
"Wooo! You're really good at dancing Beomgyu!!"
"Haha, thanks."
The world seems to disappear as I dance the night away with Yeonjun. Suddenly, a slow song comes on, I feel the tension in the room rise.
"Alright, it's time to grab that special someone and share this dance with them!"
"Shall we?" Yeonjun holds out a hand.
"Not here!"
"Hmm." He pouts, disappointed "I have an idea."
He drags me across the room, "Hyung~ where are we going??" I ask, slightly annoyed.
"You'll see..." he says mischievously.
We reach the bathroom. "Hyung, I'm not trying to..."
"Relax! I brought you here so we could dance without people watching. What did you think I was doing?!"
"Uhh..." I feel my face go red. "Nothing! Nothing, I just..."
"C'mon! Let's go!"
He opens the door and we're met with a shocking yet ultimately predictable sight:
"Soobin-hyung! Huening Kai! What are you doing~~?" I ask slyly.
Huening Kai has Soobin pinned against the wall, his shirt off and face in Soobin's. They break apart abruptly as soon as they see us.
"Uhh, it-it's not what it looks like!" Soobin stammers
"Yeah, umm, I-I just spilled something on my shirt!"Huening Kai explains.
"Yeah, yeah, alright." I say sarcastically, this is a complete cap.
Yeonjun gives a thumbs up, "yeah boi!"
Huh. Perhaps I'm not so strange after all...perhaps different is still normal....

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