Chapter 13: Captured!

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Yeonjun POV:
I can't believe it, Taehyun and I have been trapped by a bunch of boomers.
"Take some photos guys! I knew vampires were real! Did you bring the blood??"
These guys brought blood?? Why can't I smell it??
"Yes, yes, I brought the blood." He pulls out a canister, apparently filled with "blood".
"Here here, eat some of this tasty blood, I know you guys must be hungry!" He's talking to us like we're pets. If I could move, I'd punch them right now....
They pour the "blood" on us. I still can't smell it.
"Th-this is p-paint, not blood..." Taehyun manages to say, with a locked jaw.
"You can talk??? Quick! Get the camcorder!"
"So, what's it like to drink blood??"
"L-like I said, p-paint-t not b-blood..."
"Hey, c'mon, just drink it!"
How long is this gonna go on for?? Can't they just take their garlic and leave??
"HEY!" A voice comes from the distance.
"Who's that?"
"I don't know, just keep recording man!"
Chaeryoung! What is she doing here???
"Miss, you're witnessing history, we've finally found vampires!!" She slaps him in the face and runs to us.
"How dare you! You little...."
"Are you guys ok???" She asks, concerned. Taehyun faintly points to the garlic. As the men begin to approach her, she takes the clove and smashes it into one of the men's eyes.
"AHHHHH THAT HURTS." Before they can come after her again, she throws all the cloves away from us. I slowly start to regain the ability to move.
"Don't let them get away!" They try to grab Chaeryoung, but Taehyun quickly pushes them to the ground.
"C'mon. Both of you." Taehyun motions to his back. Chaeryoung instead grabs our hands and starts to run, dragging us along.
The men start to catch up to our extremely slow pace. I move as fast as I can, but it's not fast enough. Taehyun can barely keep up, he used most of his limited strength to pummel those guys to the ground. Soon we reach a town, and the men give up. We all fall to the ground, exhausted. That's when I realize, Chaeryoung knows we're vampires now...
Chaeryoung POV:
I went with my sister to go visit our dad in his vacation home, whom we haven't seen in over 5 years. Even when we arrived, we didn't get to see him because he was too "busy", too "busy" on his vacation to talk to his own daughters. He never has time for us. Frustrated with my father, I went outside for a walk to cool down. That's when my anger was topped off with the sight of Taehyun and Yeonjun being captured. With a huge rush of adrenaline, we managed to escape. But I'm still confused, are they actually vampires??
"So, uh,'s not what you think!" Yeonjun breaks the silence.
"Well, uh..." I'm unsure what to say.
"Oh, c'mon Hyung. I think she knows. We might as well just tell her. Chaeryoung-ssi, we're vampires."
"Taehyun! D-don't listen to him, he's kinda crazy, y'know!"
I just kinda stand there. I mean, it makes sense, but at the same time it doesn't. Vampires are real? And I've talked with some before?
"W-why aren't you saying anything?? You won't tell anyone right??"
"No, Yeonjun-ssi. I won't tell anyone, don't worry. It's just, I didn't know vampires were real, I thought they were just a myth. You guys aren't gonna bite me or anything, right?"
"Nonononono, we would never! Yeonjun-Hyung here rarely ever eats humans, he finds substitutes for us like iron and cow blood."
God, eats?? Cow blood?? That's sooo gross. But I mean, I guess they have to to survive.
"You're sure you're not gonna tell anyone? Especially not Beomgyu??"
"No, no, I won't tell anyone. But why do you care so much if Beomgyu finds out Yeonjun-ssi??"
"Uhhhhh......" he freezes up.
"It's ok. He likes you too, even if he shows it differently."
I can see him blushing, even in this hour at night. Taehyun chuckles and pats Yeonjun on the back.
"So what brings you here, Chaeryoung??"
"Well, uhh..." I debate whether I should tell them or not.
"You can tell us, we won't judge."
"Taehyun, you always judge."
"Hey that's not true! He's lying, I won't judge you."
I tell them about my mom and her sugar daddy that never talks to me. How my mom only married him for his money. How my dad practically owns my mom, and how we couldn't escape him even if we wanted to, not that my mom wants to. I tell them how my mom seems to care more about him and his money than me and my sisters. I spill all this onto them and yet they don't judge or reprimand me, not once. They just listen and offer support. After I'm finished, Taehyun begins his own story.
"My father was never really in the picture either. He left my mother with me inside her, never to return again. We lived a hard life, me and her. A child without a husband, was unheard of at that time. We too, could never escape the position we were put in. We were ostracized from common society, forced to work at any job we could take, if there was any."
He suddenly becomes self-aware, "I'm sorry, I just overshadowed your story, I apologize..."
"No, no it's ok. We really are quite alike. I do have one question though."
I think about how to phrase this, " old are you guys? Also, are you actually brothers? You said your father left you when he went to the grocery store, yet now you're saying that you never met him, what's the truth??"
"Oh, uh..." he seems slightly embarrassed. "We kinda lied to you about the whole North Korea thing, I'm actually from the Joseon Dynasty, around maybe, I don't know, early 1700s?? Yeonjun's even older though, he's..."
Daaaaaamn. This man is old!
"Taehyun, stop! I don't want Chaeryoung to know how old I am!"
"Ugh, fine. Just know, that he's really, really old."
Yeonjun nudges him with his shoulder. "Owwwww...uh.. that didn't even hurt Hyung..."
We all chuckle a bit. So vampires are real, huh? What a world.

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