Chapter 21: infectious joy

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Yeonjun POV:
Beomgyu greets his brother as he gets into the car.
"Hyung! It's been so long, how's Seoul??"
"Oh it's great, yeah! I know I haven't visited you in awhile, I've just been so busy with work."
"Yeah..." Beomgyu looks to the ground, almost disappointed in his brother.
I clear my throat, "Mm. So, uh where do you work? What's your job??"
"Who's this guy Beomgyu??" He finally acknowledges my presence.
"Oh...this is..." he stammers
"Hi, I'm Yeonjun, one of Beomgyu's close friends." Beomgyu looks at me, surprised, "Nice to meet you" I reach out a hand.
He waves it away, "No need to be so formal. Hi I'm Beomsoo, Beomgyu's brother as you probably know." Beomgyu's never even mentioned his brother until today, huh...why?
"I work for Kia, I design their cars. In fact, I even helped design this very car." He points up to the roof. I've never been in a car before, so I don't know if it's a good design or not. He suddenly puts a key next to a wheel. I jump a bit in my seat, startled as a bunch of noises sound up.
"Hyung, are you ok??" Beomgyu looks at me, concerned
"Yeah, no no, I'm ok." I wave my hand. The car continues to endlessly beep, it sounds strangely familiar...
Before I can pinpoint where I remember the sound from, Beomsoo interrupts my thoughts.
"Yeonjun, uh, you gotta put on your seat belt dude."
"Oh shoot, sorry." I fumble with the strange buckle he points to, pulling out a sort of belt.
"How do I..." I move it in all sorts of positions, attempting to copy what Beomgyu did with his belt.
"Yeonjun, have you never used a seatbelt?" Beomsoo starts to laugh. Beomgyu, seeing me struggle grabs the belt and leans over me to buckle it correctly. His sleeve graces my chest as he starts to slowly bring the seatbelt down. Our eyes lock and we're caught in a trance for a moment. Beomgyu shakes his head and quickly buckles in the seatbelt to a plastic box.
"Alright, let's go to Seoul!" Beomsoo presses some sort of a pedal with his foot, and the car starts moving. The odd motion throws me off and makes me dizzy. Beomgyu notices my distress and slowly moves his hand towards mine, looking out the window to avoid his brother realizing what's happening. I move a shaky hand towards his and our fingers overlap. His soft, warm hand comforts me and in this small moment, it feels like I have a soul again.
Beomgyu POV:
We small talk throughout the car ride, my brother mostly talking about his work and how great he is. It's fairly interesting, but for the most part I don't care. I know he's really busy with work, but he couldn't take even one day, one day to visit his younger brother?? I know that really he's avoiding dad's wrath and mom's drunkenness, but still, he doesn't even call me or anything, we're barely acquaintances at this point.

I didn't think Yeonjun would hide our relationship, I thought he would expose us both. Luckily, he didn't. I don't know my brother enough to know how he would react. The way we were raised in our family, it probably wouldn't end well, that's for sure.

It takes us 3 1/2 hours to get to Seoul. My brother drops us off at the venue and we get in line. Everyone seems excited to see Aya Nakamura. I can't believe Yeonjun's never heard of her, even in North Korea. That's when I get an idea. I pull my earbuds out and hand a side to Yeonjun
"Hyung, listen to this with me." He hesitates at first, then awkwardly shoves it into his ear. I put on "Oublier" and start to groove to the music. Yeonjun looks at me confused, "This isn't Korean or English, is it?"
"No, it's French. I can't understand all of it, but I like how her songs sound."
"Ahh, I see. This is a pretty good song, huh!" He grins in awe.
"Yeah, it's one of my favorites!!" I'm glad that he enjoys the song. I know he's barely heard any Aya Nakamura songs, but I hope he enjoys the concert.
Yeonjun POV:
We finally get in, and after a short wait, the concert starts.It's the first time I've seen anything like this. With all the lights, it reminds me of the karaoke room but on steroids. Beomgyu and I wave our hands with the crowd and move to the beat of the songs. Beomgyu sings along to all her songs. He might be a bit off-key, but it's actually kinda cute. Just seeing the pure joy on his face warms me up and infects me with happiness.

The concert comes to an end and we search for his brother's car outside.
"Hyung, that was so cool!!! Thanks for coming with me!!" He gives me a quick side hug, his chin nuzzled on my shoulder. I take a chance and give him a peck on his cheek. Surprised, he stumbles away, shielding the affected spot.
"Hyung..." I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, I just wanted to show him my love.
"Beomgyu, I'm sorry, I...wait, are you blushing??" His cheeks are pink right now!
"No! It''s just cold outside, yeah." This boy....
"Beomgyu, you don't have to make excuses, I know you..."
"Ok fine!" He throws his fists down "I might have liked that..." he pouts, attempting to be aloof.
"Alright, alight..." I chuckle "I'm glad you liked it."
"Liked what?" He says with an exaggerated shrug, fake confused.
"Well the concert of course!" I tease
"Hyung~" he pouts again, this time serious. His face suddenly lights up.He puts his hand to his mouth in surprise. "Look, a shooting star!" He points to the sky. "There's nothing there..." he copies me and steals a kiss of his own, his soft lips pressing against my cheek.
"So sneaky." I scrunch my nose.
"I know, I know..."
"Beomgyu, what are you doing??" His brother's car pulls up. I can hear his heart racing with fear. Fuck....

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