Elijah: You didn't have to give him a home address!

Yuki: I just said that you live in Fularis Town, do you know the population of Fularis Town? That demon's never gonna find you.

Elijah: Did you know that there's only one Elijah Mulligan in Fularis Town?

Yuki: Really?

Elijah: There are only two Elijah Mulligans in the world.

Yuki: Have you met the other one?

Elijah: No-

Yuki: You have to kill him.


Emory: Well, if it isn't Armand.

Armand: But it is me.

Emory: No, it's an expression.

Armand: Your tricks won't work on me!


Ulana: Wow, I never thought you were a morning person.

Adonis: I'm not, I was just heading to bed.

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