Elin: My pops is actually pretty chill.

Carnol: Somehow, I doubt that.

Elin: No, it's true!

Carnol: Prove it.

Elin: *shouting to be heard by Kadir* Pops! Carnol and I are going shoplifting!

Kadir: *from the other room* Wear a sweater!

Elin: *smirking*

Carnol: Are we really going shoplifting?!

Elin: No!


Armand: Why don't you trust me?

Kadir: 'Cause you're a falalalala-lalala-LIAR!


Ulana: Come on, Xenala, we all know Carnol got your heart, just say it.

Xenala: If by heart you mean churro, then yes, he did. And I ain't saying ANYTHING till I get my churro back. A whole pack of churros. Can you hear me, Carnol, or should I say churros thief?!?

Carnol: Oh please not again.

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