Kadir: *gets hurt*

Ronan: Pops, are you alright?

Kadir: Yes, I am. I've had worse happen to me.

Ilyas: *comes in* Kadir, are you hurt? Let me see.

Kadir: *faking crying* ILYAS! KISS IT BETTER!


Carnol: What just happened?

Elin: Auntie Taeka told me that she does this all the time with Edith.


Armand: I don't see someone's race.

Armand: I don't see their gender.

Armand: Or their size.

Armand: I still fucking hate them equally.


Taeka: Trust fall!

Edith: *from the other end of the room* I'm not going to catch you.

Taeka: Trust. Fall.

Edith: No.

Taeka: I'm falling!

Edith: *lauching herself over the table to catch her* wAIT!

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