Edith: Wait, you like me? For my personality?

Taeka: I know. I was surprised too.


Xenala: If you've got a problem with Carnol, you're pretty much dead to me.

Xenala: So just like, evaporate or something.


Celine: Salma says I need therapy, but it's way too expensive.

Davina: Have you tried vodka? Vodka is cheap.

Ilyas: *handing Celine $500* Okay, okay, here's $500. go and see a therapist.


Davina: I want a therapist too.

Ilyas: No, you want vodka.

Davina: But $500 would buy me a lot of Vodka.

Even More Pokémon Iona: Incorrect QuotesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt