*when Darkrai has the portal opened*

Celine: If you let us live, I'll tutor any brain-dead person that requires it, even Salma!

Salma: If we live, I'll forget she ever said that!


*talking about which animal matches everyone*

Taeka: Ilyas, have you got a choice for Armand?

Ilyas: I'm gonna go jaguar, Taeka.

Kadir: Jaguar? Are you sure?

Ilyas: Of course I am! They're smart, they're lean, they're fast...

Kadir: They're spotty, you shouldn't leave them alone with your kitten...Okay then!


Elijah: Just did my morning 1K run. You?

Torin: 8K.

Elijah: I mean, I did an 8K warm-up, then 1K at a full sprint.

Torin: My entire run was uphill.

Elijah: Yeah, uphill with my eyes closed.

Torin: I ran backwards with earplugs.

Elijah: Why earplugs?

Torin: I don't know!

Even More Pokémon Iona: Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now