Ilyas: What country doesn't have the letter A  in its name?

Ronan: Kansas.

Ronan: No wait I meant Kentucky.

Elin: London.

Xenala: Liverpool :)

Taeka: New York.

Ilyas: I said COUNTRY!!!


Kadir: *singing* United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama...

Carnol: Australia.

Carnol: Wait.

Carnol: *Oustrolio.

Kadir: *still singing* Haiti, Jamaica, Preu...

Armand: ITALY!

Mr. Ainsworth: Berlin???


Ilyas: Jesus fucking Christ.


Edith: What if I start mixing my energy drinks and black coffee?

Elijah: Hell, yeah, there's no Arceus here to judge us.


Ilyas: What have you got there?

Armand: *with Pikipek's pokeball in his hand* Not secrets!

Evan: That was literally the worst answer you could have given.

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