Armand: So I went up to him,

Ilyas: Okay.

Armand: And I stabbed him 37 times in the chest!

Ilyas: Wh-- Armand, that kills people!

Armand: Oh. Well, I didn't know that!

Ilyas: How did you not know that?


Yuki: Hey, what's this?

Penelope: It's a fence, genius.

Yuki: I mean what's it doing here?

Penelope: What do you think it's doing here? *quietly turns to Torin* What's it doing here?

Torin: I'd say someone doesn't want us on their property!

Penelope: *turns back to Yuki* Obviously, someone doesn't want us on their property!

Yuki: But how come?

Penelope: Of all the dumb-! Hold on. *turns to Torin* How come?


Kadir: *walks into a psychic's shop and slams down his own deck of tarot cards*

Kadir: It's time to duel.

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