Taeka: Go tell him he's cute! What's the worst thing that could happen?

Kadir: He could hear me.


Kadir: Hey, let's do 'get help'.

Ilyas: What?

Kadir: 'Get help!'

Ilyas: No.

Kadir: C'mon you love it!

Ilyas: I hate it!

Kadir: It's great, it works every time!

Ilyas: It's humiliating!

Kadir: Do you have a better plan?

Ilyas: No...

Kadir: We're doing it.

Ilyas: We are not doing 'get help'.

*elevator opens*

Kadir: Get help! Please! My husband, he's dying! Get help!

Kadir: *throws Ilyas at a bunch of Team Skelm grunts*

Kadir: A classic!

Ilyas: I still hate it, it's humiliating.

Kadir: Not for me, it's not.


Xenala: No, it's too dangerous for you to go alone! Here, take this.


Carnol: You're just holding out your hand.

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