*Armand and Ilyas in school*

Ilyas: That wasn't an easy test...

Armand: It certainly wasn't.

Armand: Say, Ilyas, what did you fill in at question 14?

Ilyas: Just left it blank. You?

Armand: I also left it blank.

Ilyas: Oh, no...the teacher's gonna think we're cheating...

Armand: Crap!


Ilyas: Yo, I'm leaving for a couple of days.

Kadir: But. But what am I going to do without you?

Ilyas: Well what do you normally do when I'm gone?

Kadir: *tearing up* Wait for you to come back.


Ulana: So here's the cold medicine you asked for. *dumps 3 shopping bags full of wine on the table*


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