Here we go.

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The episode begins in Y / L's first person by slowly opening his eyes, blinking a few times, and trying to sit up. Only to fall flat back.

Y / L (Painful): Ugh, I think I exaggerated a bit ...You slowly get up and sit on the bed, look up and see that you are in your room. but not in beacon. In your house in patch. You hear the door open and you turn your head to see your father (Taiyang) with a basin full of water and a towel on his shoulder, He stops in his tracks when he sees you, He drops the water on the ground and hugs you like never before. done.

Taiyang (Relieved): Thanks to oum ... you're awake ...

Y / L (Confused): Yes. yes ... I'm awake .. (raising fist): and totally ready for the festival!Taiyang slowly turns away from you and looks at you.

Taiyang: The Vytal festival?

Y / L gets out of bed and goes to the closet to find new clothes.

Y / L (smiling): Yes yes. I just recovered and my whole body hurts, but my aura is healing quickly. So today or tomorrow I'll finish healing, you know, my aura heals pretty quickly.

Taiyang gets up and puts a hand on your shoulder. making Y / L look at it

Taiyang: Y / L. How long do you think you were unconscious?

Y / L (putting on a shirt): a few days?

Taiyang: Y / L ... it's been ... 7 months ... 

Y/L ( Confused ) : 7 months?

Taiyang Beacon has fallen. was attacked in the Vytal tournament ...

Y / L is frozen at this.

Taiyang: Ozpin and one of your classmates ... I think her name was pyrrha, they also died.

Y / L closes his eyes and slowly adjusts his shirt.

Y/L : How are Ruby and Yang?

Taiyang: Ruby and her friends head to Mantle and Yang after recovering from losing her arm ... she went looking for her mother ...

Y/L : Did she Lost your arm? how?

Taiyang: Adam taurus. An idiot with the white fang,

Y / L (No show of emotion): I see. (Reaches his hand to the closet and opens a secret compartment and takes out a mace).With nothing more to say, he leaves the room and walks through the house. He heads to the kitchen and stops in front of the table, moves the table and proceeds to hit the kitchen floor several times until he makes a big hole. he climbs through the hole and falls on one knee to the ground in a secret room. He slowly gets up and walks towards an armored door. Y / L to the door and knock on the door. a hologram appears that says "Enter password". you put the password, "I love my little sisters, Ruby and Yang <3", the door opens and shows a great sword. Colored (Your Favorite Color) (Default: Black with Red Stripes) - Buried in a large rock. Your ancient sword. the same sword that you used to end so many lives was now in front of you. You approach the sword and grab the sword by the hilt. You slowly pull it off the rock as it begins to glow. When you finally take it out, the sword stops shining, place it in the sheath that was next to the sword and place it on your back. He goes back to his room and opens another closet, puts on a black suit. White shirt and black tie. Close the closet the screen goes black

Y / L (black screen): Here we go.

End of Episode

I have a problem with a possible solution. They want Y / L to take a power up out of nowhere by making it appear at all times in the series or to go in a linear fashion to meet Rwby. Do you have any creative skills that you want to share with me?

Ruby and Yang's Big Brother - RWBY x Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz