Search and Destroy & Mountain Glenn

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Weiss: Professor Oobleck?

Oobleck: (Speaks fast, per standard, as he walks in front of the students.) Yeah, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary, girls, as you've chosen to follow a Huntsman in what he is now. essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you that we will not establish a single base of operations; Rather, we will be traversing several miles of dangerous wastelands and camping in any defensible location we come across. I myself packed all our essentials, charted our air course, and prepared the Aircraft. And ... (He goes to Weiss's face.) It's Dr. Oobleck. I didn't get my PhD for fun, thank you very much! (He backs up quickly.)Weiss looks at Blake, who is equally disturbed.

Weiss: Uh ...

Oobleck: Come on, girls and boy ; according to my schedule, we're already three minutes late! (So ​​as an afterthought to clarify :) ... schedule! (He quickly exits towards the docked aircraft ahead in a second.)

Ruby: (Positive and upbeat before becoming as depressed as her team midway through.) Well, okay,

Y / L: We will save the world With professor oobleck guiding us. 

Ruby: When you say it out loud, it sounds worse.

Y / L: I'll go ahead.Y

 / L Starts walking towards aircraft and enters aircraft. he sees doctor oobleck sitting impatiently waiting.

Oobleck: and the others?

Y / L (Smiling): Isn't that enough with me?

Oobleck: I have read your file and I must admit that you have a high level. But you were commissioned together with the rwby team. That they are taking time to arrive ...

Y / L: There is always the option of us.

Oobleck raises an eyebrow at this.

Oobleck: Are you hinting that we should abandon Team Rwby?

Y / L (serious): That's right.

Oobleck is surprised at this answer

Oobleck: Why?

Y / L: With us 2 is more than enough. It is not necessary to put them in danger of this level.

Oobleck gets up from the seat and quickly walks up to you and looks you in the eyes. You do not flinch in the slightest and look at it.

Oobleck: You seem to be a bit overprotective towards his 2 sisters. I'll pretend that we never had this conversation.

Oobleck quickly exits the aircraft and goes to call the rwby team.

Y / L (muttering): If only you knew what I know ...

Dr. Oobleck and Team Rwbt climb into the bullhead and take off Cut to the aircraft flying over buildings and streets amidst deafening turbines.

Yang: (To Oobleck) I guess I never saw you so fighter.

Oobleck: I admit that I consider myself more of an intellectual, but I can assure you that as a Hunter, I have had my fair share of fights.

Ruby: (tilting her head in confusion) Like the mushroom?

Blake: (bowing) They are truffles.

Ruby: (still scratching her head in a daze) Do you like sprout?

Yang: (also bowing) Those are Brussels.

Oobleck: (Continuing) Also, given my experience in the field of history, as well as my forays into archaeological studies, our dear director saw fit to assign me to this ... particular assignment.

Ruby and Yang's Big Brother - RWBY x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now