A Much Needed Talk

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Around a campfire, Ruby, Y / L, Jaune, Nora and ren sit on four logs while Y / L had just told the story of the maidens

Y / L: Good. Here I am, ask your questions.

Jaune: It's ... a lot to take in ..

.Y / L (looking at the others): Any other contestants?

Ruby: So ... Maidens ... Are they powerful fighters who don't need Dust to use magic?

Y / L: Din din din. We have a winner.

Nora: And there are four?

Y / L: The awards are over ...

Ren: Which means that every time one of them dies, the power is transferred to someone, a woman, who cares?

Y / L: Who was in your thoughts for the last time. Important distinction. The best option is someone we can trust. Regardless, their souls combine, somehow.

Jaune: Is that what you were trying to do to Pyrrha? ... The night beacon fell, They were trying to turn her into one of them.

Y / L: Maybe? I was not there ...

Jaune: (with an angry face): They were forcing Pyrr-

Y / L: Wow wow wow. Don't worry, I don't think Ozpin forced Pyrrha to make her one of them, Anyway, you could have intervened. or help her, right?

Jaune ducks his head for a brief moment before getting up and walking several meters away from the group.

Y / L: Uhhh .... Any other questions?

Ruby: That guy, Tyrian. Why was he chasing me?

Y / L: mhh .. By your eyes.

Ruby: My eyes?

Y / L: Besides being the most beautiful eyes, they have great power. Dad told me what happened in the tower, that you finally used the power of the silver eyes. Silver eyes are not a common trait. And the fact that you could use them seems to have annoyed some very powerful people. Not many people know silver eyes. Those who do are not very happy that one has emerged. That is why Qrow has been keeping an eye on all of you.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow has been following us? So why isn't he coming with us? Would have been easier.

Jaune responds loud enough to be heard, but with his back to everyone.

Jaune: I was using you as bait.

Y / L: Uhhh. It's definitely not because of that. It is something more complicated.

Jaune: (turning to him) What's all this? Ruby is being hunted, schools are being attacked, all for what ?! What's the point of all this ?! Could you tell us what's going on ?! (Y / L stares at him, then hunches over with a sigh.)

Y / L: Come, come closer and stay near the campfire. not for nothing did we turn it on.

Jaune sits back on his trunk and crosses his arms

.Y / L (Turning his head and looking towards the camera): It is the same story as in the Original series, If you already know it ... just go ahead a little (giving a thumbs up).

Ruby (Looking at Y / L who was talking to nothing and giving a thumbs up): Who are you talking to?

Y / L (turning around): Uhhh. (Clearing throat): This world has been around for a long time, long enough for people to have created dozens of gods. But if you believe Ozpin, two of them are real.Travel to a nearby large rock, where the history of Y/L  is illustrated with a display of lights and shadows from the campfire.

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