They Go On Tour And The Children Lose Their Shit

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When Bryan left on tour for the first time since Ethan had been born, to say shit hit the fan...well, that would be an understatement.

[A/N: What kinda genderbent Oedipus complex-]

Ethan seemed to sense Bryan was leaving today, so he was in "make sure daddy doesn't leave or you have failed" mode.

He made sure to wake up several times in the night, knowing that it'd make Bryan tired, hoping he'd be too tired to leave.

[A/N: How did he think of this? He's a baby, let alone A's baby? I am confusion.]

For a few minutes, it seemed like Ethan's plan worked. Bryan had been half asleep all day until about an hour before his flight.

Ethan started to cry when he realized he failed.

[A/N: You tried buddy.]

"Why is he crying?"

"He doesn't want you to go. If I know my baby, I know that he was up all night on purpose. It's kind of terrifying, but I appreciate the effort."

"Did you put him up to this?"

"You wish."


"You want me to go?"

"Well, not really, but I'd appreciate a break-"

[A/N: Poor Ariel. I mean, I need a break from her bs too, but I am too much of a simp to actually be able to handle her being upset-]

"Well, shit. One of the people I love more than anything hopes I leave so she can drink wine in peace. The other conciously tried to stop me. I really don't know how to feel right now."

[A/N: Of course you don't, A.]

"You know we love you."

"I feel bad, now. What if Ethan flips his shit?"

"I don't think there's any "if" about that, anymore."

Cut to Ethan chucking one of his blocks across the room.

[A/N: It's begun.]

"Ethan, no throwing!"

"Yes, throwing!"

"Well, I'm screwed, aren't I?"

"I can cancel-"

"No! You go, save yourself. We'll call when you land."

"Okay. I love yo-"

"Love you too, bye!"

You might as well have shoved Bryan out the door just so you could calm Ethan down.

Bryan passed out as soon as he sat down on the plane.

We're gonna blame Ethan for that.

Speaking of Ethan, he was currently mid-emotional breakdown...because of his father.

[A/N: I think we all know I may've been projecting. It's okay, Ethan, I'll give you all the post-breakdown chicken nuggets-]

Anyway, once that was over with and Bryan texted you saying he was at the hotel where he'd be staying, you called and let Ethan babble at him for awhile...then Ethan got tired.

You hung up, got Ethan ready for bed and put him next to you on Bryan's side of your bed.

What? It was the next best thing to having Bryan there! You did what you had to do, and Ethan liked sleeping next to you anyway, so it's not like either of you were complaining.

RPDR Preferences: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now